"Mocking your betrothed? You speak highly of a woman who has nothing in her head but flowers and vegetables. She is not fit for anything except for bearing children and even then she will probably not be a good mother," he chucked as my behemoth begin to rise at the sound of multiple insults towards Estelle.

Kill him. Now.

I could not lose my level head. That is what he always wanted me to do...so that he could have just cause to 'put me in my place.' "You know nothing of her."

He began to chuckle, clapping his hands slowly. As if I have just put on a performance. He approached the throne, his hand going to my shoulder. "You like her, yes my son? Let me inform you that she is an outsider, if she does not succeed in the ceremony, what do you think will happen? Do you think we will just let her run back to her kingdom? When she has gained knowledge that no outsider has ever gained before?" He spat, his eyes shifting as he smiled. He bent down so that his lips would be adjacent to my ears.

"What are you implying?" I questioned through clenched teeth.

He grabbed me by the back of the head, his growing talons drawing blood. "She will die before she makes it out of my kingdom and runs back to her pathetic father," he whispered in my ear. "She will not have the opportunity to spill our secrets to her hypocritical father!"

"Of course that will have to be done, my King," I spat, as I felt him hold me tighter. The pain in my neck barely registering as my body shook from rage. He would not lay a hand on her. I would kill him if he did. I felt the blood trailing down my back, soaking my shirt. "I will personally end her. I am the one who brought her here, why would I not be the one to take her out."

He chuckled, pressing his forehead into my own. Locking eyes. "That is my boy! And to think Alazar says she will change you for the better. You will still remain the same ruthless son regardless of a wife or not."

"Of course I will."

"I know you find her attractive. You can have your way with her before you end things, my boy.. I know I would." I could not respond for fear of violence on my behalf.

He grazed his forehead with my own before standing up. My blood coated his fingers and he wiped them on his jacket. "Get up, boy. This is my throne."

I sat there a few more moments, watching his sluggish movements. His nostrils flared as he watched me. "Did you not hear me, son?"

"I heard you."

Standing slowly, my shifted hand went to his shoulder. "I always hear you father. Loud and clear."

"Loche...I love you, please."

Estelle was on her knees, tears streaming down her face. The dress she wore was my favorite color. Red. It dipped low in the front, just above her navel. Then it flared at her hips. The wind howled around us, whipping her golden tresses every which way. "Loche," she whimpered, as she stood on wobbly feet. "I do not want to go back! I want to stay with you!"

"You can stay, Estelle," I told her as she quickly closed the distance between us. I grabbed her tightly, her body cold to the touch. My fingers warmed her exposed skin as my lips fell upon her ravenously.

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