He called over a younger looking man with an incredibly handsome face, "Elijah, this is Ms. Adelaide Burke. I'll need you to stick by her side and make sure her parents don't try to find her, they are two of the prisoners who escaped last night."

Elijah stared questionably down at Adelaide before giving an unconvincing, "Yes Minister"

Adelaide nervously made her way out of the auditorium, feeling her new guard staring her down ominously. "So..how long have you been and Auror for?" she blurted, trying desperately to avoid his menacing glare.

"Less than six months I graduated from Durmstrang last year, so your parents are Death Eaters?" she could hear the sharpness in his voice.

Adelaide gulped, "Uh..well yeah, they were sent to Azkaban for it."

He pushed into her more, "Curious you'd suggest stopping the hunt..even more curious everyone blindly agreed with you."

She realized her necklace somehow didn't work on him. Of all the people the Minister could assign to her, why why why would she get the one random person who couldn't be affected by her necklace? How was it even possible?

She quickly scrambled to cover for herself snapping, "Maybe because I was right? Did you see the Aurors? Everyone was running around like crazy, there was no way anyone would find a Death Eater in a panicked frenzy like that."

His shoulders still remained tense and his eyes squinted at her. He was one of the most skilled Aurors in the Ministry, especially for his age. He quickly rose through the ranks as he caught Dark Wizards at a much faster rate than the rest. He had a gift passed down from his mother's side of the family called aura reading. By touching someone, he could quickly sense their energy, what they were feeling, who they were, if they were good, evil, neutral. Dark Magic clung to a person like mud on a clean cloth. If they used it, he could tell. It was like a pinch that would cause the hair to stand up on the back of his neck.

She was drenched in Dark Magic. All his internal alarms were sounding the first time he saw her. She clearly had the Ministry wrapped around her finger and was somehow able to convince the entire Ministry to listen to her, he just didn't know how. He had noticed this earlier on in the year over the summer during his Auror training. He spoke to a few people, but they all seemed to say the same exact thing, "Just because her parents were, doesn't mean she is. She's quite a sweet and incredibly intelligent girl, Elijah. Give it up."

He spent most of his time obsessively collecting information on her. Watching her movements, what she did, who she associated with. He just needed to touch her and he would have all the evidence he needed to haul her off to her own cell in Azkaban. She thought she could hide behind the Malfoys for protection? There were a solid few people who saw the Malfoys for who they truly were, pure evil Death Eaters. If he caught the girl who had infiltrated and tricked the entire Ministry purposefully, he would be as famous as MadEye Moody.

She walked tensely towards the Floo Network to go to the Daily Prophet in Diagon Alley. The silence was awful between the two and she definitely sensed that he did not like her at all. She felt like he was on the verge of attacking her.

As she turned her back on him, he reached out and apparated them into the middle of Diagon Alley. When he touched her, he experienced the strangest sensation. There was no good, there was no evil, there was no neutral. The reading was fuzzy, unclear.

She looked at him angrily as they landed in the middle of the empty street, "I thought we were using the Floo." She straightened her cloak, trying to swallow down the nausea from the unexpected apparation, "A little heads up would've been nice."

He stared at her as if she was the most interesting puzzle he'd ever seen. She huffed, her fear of him now turning into frustration, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

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