"Stories?! I love stories," I gushed in happiness. Stories were fun and magical and sure most stories were not real but that still did not mean that they weren't important. Stories taught lessons! "Does your mother still tell you stories?"

Harkin laughed. "I am a man now so no. She works almost day and night, she has no time for those things. I have a brother and sister and sometimes I tell them stories if I remember."

Now I was a bit confused. "You work all day and so does your mother?"

"Yes, fae Princess."

Well that did not sound right. "Well who watches after the children? They need lessons yes?"

"Lessons for what? Poor like us do not have coin to learn meaningless things such as etiquette or history."

How upsetting. Poverty? Dragons have so many jewels how can anyone live in poverty here. I think I will most definitely have to speak with Loche about this! "I am very sorry you grew up like that. If you would like you can have this jewel here on my neck." I pointed to the shiny azure jewel that was a big heavy. I did not particularly like it. I only cared for small rings and my mothers ruby necklace. Tis all.

Harkin's eyes darkened as he stared at the jewel around my neck, before he shook his head profusely. "No, I cannot. Cael will have my head. As a guard I cannot do that. I receive gold and coin from the castle for this job."

"Yes but you are still in poverty, yes? Take it if you want," I smiled, as I slipped it off my neck and held it out for him.

He turned away from me and suddenly knelt down. "I am being tested by the gods. I-I cannot take it." First Keynai does not want hugs then now Harkin will not take my jewels. What is next? Maybe Loche will appear and not want to marry me anymore!

I knelt down beside him. "Harkin, I know tis complicated to take from someone what you think you do not deserve but everyone deserves good things. You can sell it."

"Princess? Harkin? What is going on?"

Oh, someone has finally found us! I turned slightly to see our other guard, Cael. He was staring at us in confusion, and suspicion. 

Harkin immediately rose up from his kneeling position and I did the same. "The princes and I were just observing some flowers," he lied as I nodded my head in agreement. Cael seemed a bit angry and I am sure that is why Harkin lied.

Then I watched in horror as Cael charged toward us with his sword swinging. I let out a yelp as he slashed it into to the ground. Just a few paces away from me.

I scrambled up to the ground and rushed towards where he slashed. I glanced down...and noticed a snake. Cut in half. Bleeding. "Sir that was not necessary at all!" I gasped, watching the two halves of it squirm around on the ground.

My hands began to itch as he took me by the hand and moved me away from the suffering creature. "That is a highly venomous snake, your highness," he explained to me as my chest began to ache. It was not the creatures fault that it was created with such venom...

I glanced at my two guards and then back at the squirming creature. It was beginning to move less and less. It was dying. Juni would kill me...but I had to do it. I could not just stand by and watch this happen.

"Guardians do you think you two can maybe search the area before we continue walking? I will stay right here," I promised them as Cael sighed before holding out his sword and going to scout around the area. Harkin followed.

I quickly dropped to my knees and pressed the two parts of the snake together. I took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. I felt the energy in my body beginning to pool in my hands which held the dying snake. An odd hue of blue surrounded my hands, my energy and bled into the two parts of the snake.

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