[PG-13] Wanda Wolfers, the 11-Year Old Murderer

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[After a confrontation between her mother that is a werewolf named Willa, 11-year old Wanda that is a werewolf starts to murder people to make her feel better.]

Willa was having a conversation with Wanda. "What have I told you about staying up over your bedtime?" Willa asked angrily. "I'm sorry Mom, I didn't mean to." Wanda whimpered. "No, you're not sorry. This is the 10th time you've done this, and you will continue and continue." Willa growled. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Wanda yelled angrily. "YOU DON'T YELL AT AN ADULT, YOUNG LADY!" Willa screamed, Wanda cried and went into her room. [The next day] Wanda was at school, talking to her friend that was a kitsune named Lyra. "What's wrong?" Lyra asked worried. "Nothing, it's just that me and my mom got into a confrontation about my bedtime." Wanda whimpered, Lyra did an exhale. "Wanda, one time I had to get some justice of my own..." Lyra exhaled, as Wanda seemed to look confused.

"What do you mean you got justice of your own Lyra?" Wanda asked confused. "What I mean is that I killed my parents, my sister Ellie got the blame since she was the oldest." Lyra whimpered, Wanda did a gasp. "I can't kill my mom..." Wanda dropped. "You don't have to kill your mom, you can kill other people you hate, and keep it a secret from your mother. What are some people you hat or make you angry or upset?" Lyra asked evilly, Wanda looked towards Eunice who was an eighth grade stein and was a bully. "Eunice makes me upset and angry, plus I hate her a lot." Wanda growled. [A few hours later] Eunice was walking on the sidewalk until Wanda came along and put a sack on her. [A few moments later] Eunice gently opened her eye, she saw Wanda and Lyra were masks on, Eunice didn't know where she was.

"Were-Wussy? Scrawny Kit Bones? What are you two dweebs doing here?" Eunice asked angrily and rudely. "Eunice, you will feel the same pain all of your other victims felt..." Lyra moaned in a deep voice, getting a knife. [The next day] "What happened to our daughter?" A stein named Josephine asked worried. "She was murdered by two sixth grade girls. We don't know who it was though, the cameras were broken." Officer Will that was a werewolf exhaled. Meanwhile... "Great murder yesterday Wanda, none of Eunice's victims have to get bullied or picked on again." Lyra smiled. "Wait, murdering people can actually help others?" Wanda asked curiously as Lyra nodded her head, Eunice's friends named Mumette which was a Mummy, Frank which was a stein, and Crystal which was an invisible person heard the conversation.

They walked up to the sixth graders, Wanda and Lyra gulped. "You killed our friend?" Mumette asked angrily as Wanda shook her head no, sweating. "When you're sweating, I can tell you're lying." Crystal smirked. "You took my girlfriend away from me." Frank added, grabbing Wanda and Lyra by their shirts. "You can't hit a girl!" Lyra whined. [A few moments later] The older kids took Wanda and Lyra to an alley way to get beaten, not knowing Wanda had a gun and a knife. "We're going to get some justice of our own and turn you in to the police!" Mumette laughed, cracking her knuckles. "We're outnumbered, but you're outmatched..." Wanda evilly sniggered, taking out a gun and shooting Crystal right in the head and giving Lyra her knife. Frank tried to run, but Lyra threw the knife at him. Mumette moved back, scared.

Wanda and Lyra got their weapons back and started repeatedly beating Mumette. [The next day] "All I remember was my friends getting killed and me getting beaten up by two sixth grade girls..." Mumette whimpered, explaining to other police officers about the incident. Meanwhile... "Wanda, we need to talk..." Willa exhaled. "Why Mom?" Wanda dropped. "Why have you been going to your school at 4:50 in the morning?" Willa asked worried and concerned. "So I don't have to use the bus everyday..." Wanda nervously lied. "Okay, I was just concerned about your safety." Willa smiled, patting Wanda's head. [30 minutes later] Wanda and Lyra were at school. "I don't really have anymore people that I hate..." Wanda exhaled. "That leaves your mother." Lyra sniggered, Wanda did a gasp.

"Lyra, I said I wasn't going to kill my mother." Wanda growled. "Fine, then I'll kill you and her, or you can tell her you're a murderer and I'll kill her." Lyra grumbled. [A few hours later] Wanda did a sigh and walked into her house. "How am I going to explain this?" Wanda whimpered, she walked up to Willa. "Oh, what is it sweetie?" Willa asked, doing a smile. "Mom, try to not to cry or get mad at me when I say this..." Wanda exhaled, starting to cry a little. "Oh." Willa whimpered. "I'M A MURDERER! I KILLED EUNICE, I INJURED MUMETTE, I KILLED AND INJURED EVERYONE! I JUST WANTED TO FEEL BETTER AND HAVE SOME JUSTICE OF MY OWN! YOU'RE IN DANGER MOM, LYRA IS COMING TO KILL YOU!" Wanda yelled, bursting out crying, Willa began to cry and hugged her daughter hardly, trying to calm her down.

"I-I'll have to turn you in, whether if you like the juvenile center or not..." Willa sighed. "Yes ma'am." Wanda whimpered. [The next day] Mumette was watching tv until some breaking news interrupted. "One of the mystery sixth grade girl suspects named Wanda Lilian Wolfers was turned in by her mother today, the other one is still on the loose." The lady on the tv explained. "Justice..." Mumette laughed. Meanwhile... Wanda was in the courtroom in a prisoner suit, with a guilty look. "Wanda Lilian Wolfers, is there anything you want to say to your victims' parents?" Wanda's attorney named Sabrina asked, Wanda walked up to the microphone. "I'm truly sorry for Eunice, Frank, and Crystal. This isn't me, I wouldn't even do this. I just have behavioral issues, please..." Wanda whimpered, Willa went up to the microphone.

"At this point I forgive my daughter, she was just trying to stop bullying at her school. But as a werewolf, she didn't only take away bullies, she took away teenagers that could have had a wonderful and nice future." Willa exhaled, Wanda went back to the microphone. "Lyra if you're out there, just please turn yourself in, so everyone can sleep better at night and get through this pain." Wanda added, crying. "Because of these concerns, Wanda will have some adult charges that include first degree assault and second degree murder, but she'll only have six months at the Haversack Juvenile Center." The judge exhaled. [A few moments later] Wanda was talking to Sabrina. "Lyra planned this, not me..." Wanda whimpered in guilt, about to go into a bus going to the Haversack Juvenile Center.

"We need more deeper and significant information about Lyra, I'm sorry Wanda." Sabrina sighed, Wanda went onto the bus. Back with Mumette... "Lyra..." Mumette mumbled to herself. [The next day] Mumette with a cast was looking for Lyra's locker, she noticed her locker. "I have to find something in her locker to solve this case once and for all, she's dumb enough to not use a lock." Mumette whispered to herself, she was digging through her locker, until she noticed a knife with Frank's blood on it. [30 minutes later] "I found this in Lyra Ellen Wiliski's locker Officer Will, she could be the other murderer." Mumette stated. "You shouldn't really be digging in someone else's locker, but we'll go and check if it has her fingerprints on it." Officer Will smiled. [The next day] Lyra was in the courtroom, crying in guilt like a baby.

"She shouldn't go to school or go back to the orphanage, Lyra framed me and I did NOTHING to her. She devastated our own family for no reason, Lyra needs to have some major jand severe adult charges." Ellie growled. "I DIDN'T DO IT! WANDA GOT HER KITCHEN KNIFE AND PUT RED PAINT ON IT, THEN PUT IT INTO MY LOCKER TO FRAME ME!" Lyra yelled, lying and crying. "It's my knife, but I gave it to Lyra to kill Frank." Wanda added in her prisoner suit. "All right, Wanda's prison time is limited to one month and Ellie is free, while Lyra will be there for two years." The judge smiled, Ellie was going to live with Wanda and Willa. "Never convict a crime like that again Wanda, if you didn't tell me I wouldn't be here right now..." Willa whimpered, hugging her daughter. "I won't Mom..." Wanda smiled, hugging her mother.

[Two years later] Lyra's sentence was done, she was 13 years of age now, Lyra went to Willa's house. "Mrs. Wolfers where's Wanda and my older sister, oh wait Ellie's not even my sister anymore..." Lyra sighed. "Ellie went to college, and Wanda is recovering from a skateboard accident, but I'd think they would be happy to see how you had changed." Willa explained, patting Lyra's shoulder. "Can you adopt me? The juvenile center was better than the orphanage..." Lyra begged. "All right." Willa smiled, hugging Lyra hardly.

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