The Conquers (Continued)

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The next day...

Frank, Eunice, and Wanda packed what they needed. Frank and Eunice sighed and look at their almost empty house.

"I'm going to miss this place if we never come back," sighed Frank.

Sean and Mark came along.

"What do we do if the Conquers come?" asked Sean.

"If they ask any questions about Will and I try lying to them. If they attack you guys then tell them to search the house," stated Wanda.

"Search the house if they attack? Are you sure Wanda?" asked Eunice worriedly.

"If they attack the Conquers they'll kill everyone. It's better they search for us than attack the camp."

"It's been a long time since I've seen Argo," growled Mark. "But besides that, you four have a safe journey."


Wayne and the Conquers arrived at the camp as Mark and flesh golems with weapons awaited them.

"Where's Wanda? Wanda Werewolf?" asked Wayne.

"We have not seen a werewolf named Wanda around here," lied Mark.

"Have you seen a werewolf woman with a puppy wearing a brown and ragged dress?"

"No we have not."

"They're lying!" growled Shaun, getting his sword as Wayne stopped him.

"Yes, I know they're lying," snickered Wayne softly. He walked up to Mark. "Tell us where Wanda is or else we'll kill every flesh golem and werewolf here."

"Sigh, search that house over there," whimpered Sean, pointing at Frank and Eunice's house.

The Conquers searched through the house but only found Wanda's ragged dress.

"This is all we found," said a Conquer.

"It's Wanda's dress. She must've ran away with other flesh golems," said Wayne. He looked at Argo. "Argo, what do you want to do with the flesh golems? You know, the ones on the enemy side."

"Take Mark captive so I can kill him tomorrow in front of his followers," cackled Argo.


Frank, Eunice, and Wanda ate their dinner.

"What's this called? It's really good," asked Wanda.

"It's spaghetti. It's noodles with tomato sauce," said Eunice.

"I know what tomatoes are but what are noodles?"

"Hmm.... They're strings that you can eat and use for soup and spaghetti."

"Ooh! I might have to see if I can my friends and family to your country to try spaghetti!" chuckled Wanda. She looked down. "If I ever see them again alive..."

Frank picked up his shotgun and put it on his back.

"I'm gonna go hunting because this food isn't gonna last long," said Frank. Wanda saw Frank's shotgun and screamed as she carried Will. "Wanda?! What's wrong?!"

"WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT MAGIC WEAPON?!" screamed Wanda, traumatized.

"Magic weapon? My shotgun?" whimpered Frank. Wanda cried and nodded her head. "Well, we call this weapon a gun."

"I'm sorry for overreacting... It's just that I saw the Conquers killing innocent werewolves with guns in front of my eyes..."

"We're the ones who use guns to hunt," stated Eunice.

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