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[A stein named Frank gets bullied because of his weight, another stein named Eunice tries to comfort Frank from the bullies.]

Frank put his backpack on his back. "I still haven't lost weight..." Frank sighed. [30 minutes later] Frank was at his locker until he felt someone tap his back, it was a stein named Argo along with his humans friends named Sean and Luke. "Well, well, well? If it isn't the fat pig?" Argo asked hysterically, Sean and Luke began to laugh. "I'm not fat..." Frank whimpered, trying to defend himself. "Your shirt doesn't even fit you, fat pig." Sean added. "Ew, do you eat junk food all day?" Luke asked in disgust as Frank shook his head no, a stein named Eunice was watching what was happening. "I don't think he's fat..." Eunice thought in her head. "Please stop...." Frank begged, Argo pushed Frank hardly to the ground. "You better be quiet. Boys, let's go to class and leave the fat pig alone." Argo smirked as the boys left and laughed.

Frank ran to the bathroom. "I am fat..." Frank muttered as the bell then rang for Homeroom. [Five minutes later] Frank was sitting on his desk, Luke was writing something on a piece of paper while Argo watched. He made it into a spitball and threw it at Frank, he opened it and began to read it in his head. "You're so fat you should kill yourself! Nobody likes you! Lol!" Frank read in his head, he went outside the door, Luke, Argo, and Sean were throwing paper balls at him as he left. Eunice looked at Frank's empty desk worriedly. [A few moments later] Frank was cuddled up crying. "What have I done to deserve this? I've done nothing to them!" Frank whimpered, he then felt a hand on his back, it was Eunice. "Are you okay?" Eunice asked worried and concerned. "I'm fine..." Frank sighed.

"You don't look fine..." Eunice whimpered, she wiped Frank's tears off of his cheeks. "I'm just... bullied for no reason..." Frank added. "Why do they bully you?" Eunice questioned. "People just look at my weight and make fun of it...." Frank explained, looking down towards the ground with a saddened face. "Frank, I think you're fine... No matter how you look like..." Eunice smiled. "How do you know my name?" Frank asked surprised. "We're in the same classroom..." Eunice added. [A few hours later] Frank was going to check his weight. "186 pounds...." Frank dropped, he put his hands on his bladder-bloated stomach. [A few hours later] Frank was sleeping in his bed until he heard a sudden noise, his stomach was growling. "I must be hungry..." Frank groaned, he went into his fridge and got an apple for the night.

[The next day] It was Saturday and Frank was at the grocery store getting some chips and snacks, he went to the register. "Whoa, that's a lot of junk food! Are you throwing a party or something?" The cashier asked hysterically, making fun of Frank's weight. "Oh uh, yes sir...." Frank lied embarrassedly. [30 minutes later] Frank was in his living room watching a movie and eating some snacks. Argo, Sean, and Luke were walking, until they noticed Frank through the window eating his snacks. "Take a picture of the fat pig." Argo smirked, Sean took a photo and posted it on the internet. [50 minutes later] The movie was finished and Frank suddenly got a text on his phone from Twitter, he opened the notification and tried to hold back his tears. (Phone ~ This is the fat pig, Frank Kevin Stein, he eats junk food all day!

His weight is 186 pounds and his clothes also don't even FIT him at all! XD! What a fat pig and the fattest of them all, lmao. 29,038 Likes | 7,920 Dislikes | 32,820 Favorites | 36,958 Views | 13,892 Comments.) The people that disliked it were the people who had a grateful heart, while the ones that liked it were cold and dark-hearted. "Why would they post this? Now everybody at school is going to make fun of me..." Frank whimpered. [A few days later] It was Monday and Frank was eating his lunch at school, Argo came along and spilled water on him. "Argo, please.." Frank begged. "You should thank me, you're gaining weight so you need some water." Argo smirked as Sean dropped his jaw, a bully in middle school did the same thing to him. "Everything went back to me, I've turned into this because of that..." Sean thought in his head.

Argo and Luke left and laughed, Sean sighed and walked away. Eunice just noticed Frank eating alone all wet and crying, she put her hand on Frank's back. "Are you okay?" Eunice asked. "Oh Eunice, I'm fine..." Frank nervously chuckled. "Frank, when you say you're fine, something must be wrong..." Eunice whimpered. "Argo spilled water on me... I literally have no friends..." Frank whimpered. "Maybe I can be your friend.." Eunice smiled. "Okay, I-I guess..." Frank sighed. [A few hours later] Frank was at his house until he heard a knock. "Who is it?" Frank asked. "It's Sean..." Sean sighed. "What? Why are you here?" Frank asked confused, Sean began to shed tears. "I wanted to apologize for what I've done, Argo and Luke forced me to bully people at school..." Sean begged.

"It's fine, I forgive you..." Frank smiled, hugging Sean. [The next day] Argo and Luke were waiting for Sean to come. "Where is he?" Luke asked impatiently as Sean, Eunice, and Frank came in talking, Argo dropped his jaw. "Why are you talking with him?" Argo asked angrily. "Actually guys, Frank isn't that bad at all...." Sean smiled. "Yeah, we don't think he's fat..." Eunice added, putting her hand on her arm. "I actually think I'm with them now..." Luke dropped, walking towards them. "What!? You're leaving me?!" Argo growled. "Yes, we've had enough with bullying..." Sean added. "Pfft! I don't care what you think!" Argo grumbled, walking away and crying. "Thanks, I don't feel alone anymore." Frank smiled, as other students came along with smiles. "Thank you, nobody really liked Argo anyway..." A student smiled.

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