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[This is a sad about Wanda who is a struggling 20-year old werewolf in the city of Wolf City.]

Wanda had her red bandanna along with a white dress with a jean jacket over it, she lived in poverty a little and tried to feed her mother. Wanda noticed two werewolves named Wayne and Walter eating some food, she did a smile and went towards them. "Please, me and my mother are living in poverty..." Wanda begged, Wayne gave Wanda his burger to eat. "You can come by my apartment if you'd like." Wayne smiled. [10 minutes later] Wanda was sitting on the couch of Wayne's apartment, Wayne was starting to get a little suspicious around Wanda. "Could you stop touching me?" Wanda asked in annoyance, Wayne did a snigger and grabbed Wanda as she screamed. "GET OFF OF ME!" Wanda yelled, Wayne began to hug Wanda all over the place. [The next day] Wanda was taking a walk, but she felt sick for some reason.

Wanda put her paw on her stomach, she went to a well to throw up. "I need to go and visit a doctor." Wanda sighed. [A few moments later] "I've been feeling sick this morning which I haven't experienced before, I have a feeling I could be pregnant with a werewolf pup." Wanda explained. "Mhm, unfortunately we'll have to do a pregnancy test on you." The doctor sighed. [30 minutes later] Wanda was outside of the room waiting for her results, the nurse came out with a smile. "Wanda Woden, it appears you're pregnant with a werewolf pup." The nurse smiled. [A few moments later] "How could this have happened?" Wanda whimpered to herself, putting her paw on her stomach. [10 minutes later] "Mom, there is something I need to tell you..." Wanda sighed, rubbing her stomach. "Sure, what is it?" Willa smiled towards her daughter.

"I'm pregnant... It's Wayne's werewolf pup." Wanda whimpered. "Wayne?" Willa dropped. "Wayne, he's some werewolf who assaulted me, he must have gotten me pregnant." Wanda added. [Six months later] Wanda was now six months pregnant, Wayne was starting to get a little bit worried about it. "Walter, I'm concerned about Wanda and her werewolf pup, this pregnancy was unplanned and unexpected." Wayne whimpered, Walter did a sigh and put his paw on his friend's shoulder. "Wayne, I know having a kid is the hardest part of a werewolf's life, but you'll have to go through it unfortunately." Walter sighed. Meanwhile... Wanda was talking to her werewolf friend named Wendy. "If it's a girl I'll name her Penny, if it's a boy I'll name him Will." Wanda smiled, rubbing her stomach with her paw.

"How did this happen to you?" Wendy asked worried. "Some werewolf guy assaulted me and must have gotten me pregnant." Wanda sighed. "You can't raise this werewolf pup all on your own Wanda..." Wendy whimpered. "Wendy, I'll try my best to be a single mother... As long as the werewolf pup's healthy." Wanda smiled, rubbing her stomach. [Three months later] Wanda was crying in the delivery room, Wayne was panting into the hospital. "Where is she? Where is she?" Wayne whimpered, Walter and Wendy were outside of the delivery room. Walter growled at Wayne and grabbed him, Wendy did a little whimper. "You put Wanda in danger when she needed you most." Walter growled, the doctor came out with a clipboard. "The werewolf pup is crowning, it'll be out in the next 15 to 20 minutes." The doctor stated.

[20 minutes later] Wanda was all sweaty and in pain, the nurse noticed the head of the werewolf pup. "I see the head, just one more push." The nurse sighed, Wanda did a scream in pain, but the nurse then did a joyful smile. "Oh gorgeous..." The nurse smiled, Wanda did a sigh in relief. [A few moments later] Wanda was smiling, holding her newborn son in her arms. "Welcome to the world Will..." Wanda smiled. [Two months later] Wanda was feeding Will in some alleyway, but she noticed Wayne along with two other werewolves named Walsh and William holding some weapons. "Where is she?" Walsh growled in anger, Wanda shivered and hid behind a couple of boxes. "They want me and Will..." Wanda whispered to herself, William approached the boxes where Wanda was hiding, he did a sigh towards Wayne.

"She's not here." William grumbled, him and the others walked away. Wanda did a sigh in relief, the werewolf men were gone. [11 months and four years later] Will was now five, Wanda had to go grocery shop for goods, so Walter was going to watch Will. Wayne, Walsh, and William were passing by the apartment, drinking wine as they were walking. "Look, it's Wanda's house." Wayne smirked, him and the others burst through the door. "Get away!" Walter growled, not knowing Walsh had a silver bat. Walsh hit Walter hardly, knocking him out completely. "Please don't h-hurt m-me..." Will whimpered. "We aren't going to hurt you, we're just going to take you." William laughed, grabbing Will. [One hour later] Wanda was back to her apartment complex, but she noticed a few ticks of blood on the ground.

Wanda began to get worried, she opened the door and tried to hold her scream, Walter was tied up along with having a black eyes and a couple of bruises. "Who did this to you?" Wanda asked worried. "Wayne did this to me, and they also took the kid..." Walter stated weakly, this made Wanda very furious, she had to save her son all by herself. [10 minutes later] Wanda was looking for Will, until she noticed William guarding some place. "This will be easy." William smirked, he lunged towards Wanda, but she pushed him back. "Where is my son?" Wanda asked angrily. "He's inside with Wayne and Walsh, they're torturing him though." William whimpered, Wanda burst into the apartment where Wayne and Walsh were. "Wanda?" Walsh dropped, Wanda punched Walsh in the face as hard as she could, she began to look for Will.

"STOP!!!" Will yelled, Wayne was about to shoot him with a gun. "If you tell me where your mother is, I'll let you go." Wayne laughed, Wanda noticed what was about to happen and gasped. "No, I'm not telling you! Just kill me okay!" Will whimpered, Wayne did a snicker and took a shot, but Wanda ran right in front of Will. [A few moments later] Wayne did a gasp, seeing Wanda trying to catch her breath on the floor. "Wanda..." Wayne dropped, Will got Wayne's phone to call the police. [30 minutes later] Wayne, Walsh, and William were placed in handcuffs. "You three will be charged with second degree murder, along with third degree assault and kidnapping." A cop explain, putting the werewolf men into the car. "I'm afraid your mother passed away Will, she just wanted to save your life." Wendy whimpered.

"It's fine Wendy..." Will smiled, Walter then came along with a bandage on his head, he did a nervous and romantic look at Wendy. [A few years later] Walter and Wendy got married, and they adopted Will to be their son.

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