Two Mothers

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[This is a sad story about two poor werewolves named Wanda and Penny.]

Wanda was about 38 weeks pregnant, she looked down towards her stomach and cried. "I can't do this by myself." Wanda whimpered, she got her blanket and laid down on the ground, Wanda sat down and got a bowl. [A few moments later] A human named Jace came along and noticed Wanda. "Please, I need money." Wanda begged, Jace noticed he had no money on him.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any." Jace sighed, Wanda cried and rubbed her stomach as she felt her puppy kick. It suddenly started to rain, Wanda got her blanket and went to sit at a bus stop. A werewolf named Wayne came along to sit down, he noticed that Wanda was pregnant and poor. "Here..." Wayne exhaled, giving Wanda a 10-dollar buck. "Oh, you don't have to..." Wanda smiled, Wayne left the bus stop as Wanda cried in joy.

A werewolf named Walter noticed the 10-dollar buck Wanda had, he began to snicker evilly. Wanda began to walk away with the buck on her paw, but Walter zoomed right passed her and grabbed it. "Why does everything have to be so painful?" Wanda cried. [A few moments later] Wanda was at a booth. "How much would it be for a hot dog?" Wanda asked. "That'll be five dollars." The seller informed, Wanda sighed and walked away. [A few hours later]

The sun was starting to set, Wanda put her blanket onto the ground and began sleeping. Wayne suddenly passed by her and woke her up. "Hey, I want to talk to you." Wayne stated. [A few moments later] "How come you're living like this?" Wayne asked concerned and worried.

"Sigh, my husband was very abusive towards me... When he found out I got pregnant, he decided to kick me out and divorce me." Wanda whimpered. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Wayne sighed, Wanda's stomach suddenly growled. "It seems like my puppy is hungry, I haven't eaten today at all." Wanda exhaled, putting her paw on her stomach.

Wayne gave Wanda a slice of steak and some milk. "Have this Wanda, it'll be good for you and your puppy." Wayne smiled. "What would I ever do without you?" Wanda chuckled joyfully. [The next day] Wanda woke up as she rubbed her stomach, Walter suddenly came along in complete anger. "Were you sleeping right in front of my house?" Walter asked angrily, Wanda shook her head in complete fear, Walter growled and kicked Wanda right in the stomach.

"OW!" Wanda screamed, Wayne was walking down an alleyway until he heard Wanda scream. [A few moments later] Wayne came along and gasped, he noticed Wanda had her paws on her stomach and was crying in complete pain. "Leave her alone!" Wayne growled, he punched Walter right in the face and rushed to Wanda's aid.

"What's wrong?" Wayne asked frantically. "My puppy, I think it's time!" Wanda whimpered. [A few minutes later] Wayne took Wanda to the hospital, he was waiting outside of the delivery room. "I need you to push." The nurse ordered, Wanda sighed and began to push.

[30 minutes later] Wayne was still waiting outside of the delivery room, until he suddenly heard crying. [A few moments later] Wanda was smiling in complete happiness. "She's beautiful..." Wanda smiled, a doctor was carrying the puppy who was wrapped in a pink blanket and had a white hat on her head.

The doctor gave the puppy to Wanda. "What are you going to name her?" Wayne questioned joyfully. "Penny..." Wanda sighed. [One week later] Wayne let Wanda stay at his house, Wanda was carrying Penny until she began to cry. "She must be hungry..." Wanda thought in her head, she laid Penny down at a bus stop.

"Mommy is going to be right back, I have to get some milk for you." Wanda cooed as she kissed Penny on the head. [A few moments later] A werewolf named Walachia was walking on the sidewalk, until she noticed Penny crying at the bus stop. "Oh you poor thing..." Walachia whimpered.

She picked Penny up and went towards her house. [A few moments later] Wanda came back from the grocery store with some baby formula, but she noticed Penny was gone. "Penny? Penny???" Wanda called out worried.

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