Poor People Deserve a Better Life

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[After a stein named Frank disrespects two werewolves named Wayne and Penny, he instantly regrets it afterward.]

Wayne and Penny were asleep in their only blanket in an alleyway as usual.

"Dad, I'm hungry," said Penny. "Is there anything we can eat?" Wayne walked towards the trash can and found a dirty slice of pizza.

"Penny, I understand this isn't really suitable," sighed Wayne. "But it's all we can get and we should be grateful for it."

Later, Penny noticed a couple kids getting hot dogs, her stomach growled as she groaned.

"Dad, can we get some hot dogs?" asked Penny.

Wayne and Penny walked up into the hot dog stand.

"My daughter and I haven't eaten anything that suitable for two days," stated Wayne. "Do you mind if we take two hot dogs for free?"

"I would if I could," sighed Wilbur, the seller at the hot dog stand. "But my manager doesn't want any of us to give hot dogs out for free..."

Later, Penny's stomach growled again, she groaned and put her paws on her tummy.

"Dad, I'm starving out here..." whimpered Penny.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," said Wayne, he couldn't control his tears. "There's nothing I can do." Wilbur came holding two hot dogs and gave them to the werewolves.

"Here you go," smiled Wilbur. "They're for the both of you."

"But why Wilbur?" asked Penny. "I thought you couldn't give us food-"

"I didn't want to see you two starve," stated Wilbur. "I was in your shoes before..."

"What do you mean, Wilbur?" questioned Wayne, Wilbur sighed and put his paw on Wayne's shoulder.

"Well, you see... After I graduated high school, I wasn't doing so well with my apartment." started Wilbur.

The landlord kicked me out, making me live in the streets. One day, a man was generous enough to give me a hot dog fire free, even though his manager told him not to. He encouraged me that I could make money my selling hot dogs, he said that I should help someone else in need one day.

"I helped you for a reason," sighed Wilbur. "Poor people deserve a better life." All of a sudden, his manger seemed to have noticed.

"Wilbur, what in the world are you doing?!?" growled Frank, the angry manager. "You know we don't allow you to give free food to people, even if they're homeless!"

"Sir, he didn't want us to starve," whimpered Penny. "Wilbur gave us the hot dogs freely for a reason..."

"Shut the heck up kid!" muttered Frank. "If you actually had money, you could get these hot dogs!" Frank snatched the hot dogs from Wayne and Penny's paw, just to throw them into he trash can.

"YOU KNOW WHAT, FRANK?" growled Wilbur. "A kind guy got me this job; he gave me a hot dog when I was homeless, although he wasn't supposed to!" Frank ended up laughing instead.

"That's the silliest thing I've ever heard!" laughed Frank. "Plus, that's something a poor or homeless person would say!"

"Well, if you're going to be disrespectful to these generous homeless people," imitated Wilbur. "Then I'm quitting!" Frank didn't seem surprised or devastated.

"There'll be no need for that, Wilbur," said Frank. "All because I already fired you in the first place!" 

Later, Frank was sitting on the couch and watching tv, until someone knocked on his door.

"Oh, the landlord," said Frank. "What are you doing here?"

"We're kicking you out," growled the landlord. "We need to build something, and your house is in the way."

"Sir, you don't understand," whimpered Frank. "You can't just kick me out of my house and demolish it; I don't want to be living in the streets."

The landlord grumbled rudely, "Well I'm not in your  shoes at the moment, so I wouldn't care."

Two weeks later

Frank was freezing and starving; he thought he was dying. 

"Sir, can you spare me some money or cash?" asked Frank quietly to a man passing by.

"Take a hike," grumbled the man. "Beggars and poor people like you don't deserve to live; they always think they can do whatever they want." Frank couldn't do anything except cry, until he saw three familiar faces.

"Frank, are you all right?" asked Wayne worriedly.

"No, I'm not okay at all; I've been freezing and starving out here for two weeks straight," whimpered Frank, but he suddenly realized something. "Wilbur and those homeless people from two weeks ago? How did you-" Penny cut Frank off.

"Wilbur was able to get a new job; he made lots of money and bought an apartment for all three of us, we're planning to get a house soon," explained Penny.

"I'm so sorry everyone," whimpered Frank. "Now I know how it feels to be homeless, maybe you were right Wilbur, poor people deserve a better life."

"Frank, our apartment has room for one more person," smiled Wilbur. "Maybe you could have a stay."

"Oh, thanks for the offer so much Wilbur," chuckled Frank. "I have a question though, why are you guys helping me after the way I treated you?" Wayne sighed and put his paw on Frank's shoulder.

"When my wife was alive, she told Penny to treat everyone the way they want to be treated, even if they're mean or bad towards you," stated Wayne."It hasn't been the same with her gone..."

"Thank you so much!" cheered Frank. "If it weren't for you, I would've probably freezed and starved out here!"

Wayne, Wilbur, Penny, and Frank went to the apartment to spend the rest of the fantastic day.

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