The Natives and The Pioneers

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[This is a sad story of stein natives and werewolf pioneers.]

A native named Frank who was a stein was traveling in the forest, until he noticed some abandoned pioneer tree house. "An abandoned pioneer treehouse, I shall see what is in there." Frank whispered to himself. [A few moments later] Frank was in the abandoned treehouse, but the floor was cracked a little. "I have to be more careful..." Frank shivered, but he heard some little whimper. "Huh? What was that?" Frank asked worried, another little whimper was heard. Frank had noticed some wooden crib, he looked inside and gasped. It was some werewolf pup sleeping in a ragged pink cloth, Frank was starting to get worried. "Oh my, what is your name and where are your parents?" Frank whimpered. He noticed a tag with "Winnie" written on it, Frank started to carry Winnie a little.

"You need a safer place." Frank added. He wrapped Winnie in his cloth for warmth, Frank then noticed another werewolf pup named Wilbur. "A native!? Don't hurt me please!" Wilbur shivered. "No, I'm harmless sweetheart. Where are your parents?" Frank questioned. "They were taken away by bat crone soldiers, Mother and Father told me to hide in the closet with my sister." Wilbur explained. "My village isn't too far from here." Frank stated, starting to hold Wilbur's paw. [A few moments later] Frank had to introduce Winnie and Wilbur to the other natives. "I found them in an abandoned treehouse all alone..." Frank whimpered. "These poor werewolf pioneers aren't really safe here, we will have to hide them very sneakily." A stein named Argo stated. [A few hours later] The native steins decided to have a feast.

"Ku wi na la." A stein named Mark chuckled in a native language, giving Wilbur some roasted turkey. "How do you say 'Thank you'?" Wilbur asked to Frank. "Saba." Frank informed, Wilbur did a smile towards Mark. "Saba, Mark." Wilbur smiled. "I'll teach you and Winnie our native language when you're older." Frank sighed. "So do stein natives speak English and the native language?" Wilbur questioned. "Some natives are still learning English, werewolf pioneers would teach us before they got taken away..." Argo exhaled. [10 years later] Wilbur was now 16, along with Winnie being 10. "I wish Mother and Father were here, they would be makin' us fresh meat salad for dinner..." Winnie whimpered. "Don't say that Winnie, you're making me homesick and hungry." Wilbur grumbled in annoyance.

Meanwhile... The bat crone soldiers were checking the werewolves for some reason. "Why does Will have 0% of his work done?" A bat crone named Bela asked angrily, a werewolf named Will began to tremble and sweat. "Will would never be like this!" A werewolf named Walsh dropped. "He did my mining and harvesting for me, because he knew that I wasn't good at those things. I guess Will did it for my family..." A werewolf named Wayne sighed. "What should we do with this werewolf Mister?" A bat crone named Bash questioned. "Hmph... Take him to the kitchen, we're going to have Cordon Wolf for dinner." The bat crone king named Basher cackled, a werewolf named Winifred began to beg on the ground. "Take me for your dinner! Just don't hurt my husband please!" Winifred whimpered, the bat crones did grumbles.

"Winifred, what are you-" Will was cut off by Basher. "Fine, I'll let you slide this time, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do your jobs." Basher imitated. [A few hours later] A werewolf named Wanda was worried about Wilbur and Winnie. "I failed my own children Winifred..." Wanda sighed in I defeat. "Wanda... You carried them both for nine months and brought them into this world, you can't  just think of the negative." Winifred exhaled, trying to motivate Wanda. Meanwhile... Frank, Wilbur, and Winnie were in the forest, the two werewolf pioneers got concerned. "Bat crone..." Winnie growled. "Huh?" Frank dropped. "Werewolves can smell far away." Wilbur stated. "I smell werewolves as well, the bat crone castle must be nearby." Winnie added. "We'll probably need a whole army." Frank sighed.

[The next day] "We have to be careful everyone. Bat crones can smell from far away like werewolves, and they can hear from far away as well." Wilbur explained. [A few moments later] Wayne was on his cell, until he noticed Winnie softly tapping a window. "Winnie is that you? You've grown so much!" Wayne smiled, the stein natives were fighting against the bat crone soldiers. "There's too many of them!" Bela whimpered. "I give up! I give up!" Basher shivered. [A few moments later] The werewolves were cheering, they were finally free. "They better fly away!" Will growled. "Mom, I haven't seen you in like 10 years." Winnie smiled, hugging Wanda hardly. "Why don't all of you come to our village for a celebration?" Argo asked, everyone began to cheer.

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