From Poor To Rich

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[Three steins named Frank, Quinten, and Faye live in poverty and get treated badly. But they suddenly win a lot of money...]

It was Fall and it was almost Winter, three steins named Frank, Quinten, and Faye were living in an alleyway. Frank was the father, Faye was four and Quinten was two. Frank's stein wife named Eunice passed away and they lost their house. Quinten then noticed a human man and boy getting some ice cream, he cried and look down towards the ground, as Frank looked at his hand. All he had was a penny, a dime, and some string, he went towards the ice cream man and showed him his money. "Will this be enough?" Frank asked. "I'm sorry, 11 cents and a string isn't enough." The ice cream man whimpered, as Frank sighed and went back to his kids, he tried his best to feed Faye and Quinten everyday. "Will we ever get a house to live in Daddy?" Faye asked curiously, as Frank looked down at her.

"I don't know, Faye..." Frank sighed, worried that him and the kids wouldn't make it through Winter. [The next day] Frank, Faye, and Quinten we're sitting on a sidewalk, begging for money. They only got three dollars and one penny. Meanwhile... Some rich stein named Argo along with his stein friends named Sean and Luke were getting into some car. [20 minutes later] Argo, Luke, and Sean were walking on the sidewalk until they noticed Frank, Quinten, and Faye. Argo did a fake smile and got an apple out, as he went towards them. "Would you care for an apple?" Argo asked. "Oh well thank you, my kids are starving..." Frank smiled, but Argo suddenly took a big bite of the apple. "Oops, I guess you'll have to eat this rotten apple." Argo smirked, throwing it onto the ground, Sean and Luke looked at the poor family.

"They may not make it through Winter..." Sean whimpered, as Luke then thought of a brilliant idea. "Maybe we could try and win the lottery, then pass the money to them so they can be millionaires!" Luke explained. "Won't Argo get upset that there would be another rich guy in town?" Sean asked concerned. "He's a billionaire, I don't think it'll hurt..." Luke added. [A few moments later] "300 lottery tickets? Are you sure Luke?" Sean asked. "Don't worry, they made it free and it'll give us at least a 75% chance of winning." Luke explained. [30 minutes later] Luke and Sean were digging through lottery tickets as the tv said the winning number was "1583". "1583...1583..." Sean sighed repeatedly, suddenly, Luke found a ticket saying 1583. "Yes, we won the lottery!" Luke yipped in pride.

[The next day] Luke and Sean had to hide 1,000,000,000,000 money from Argo. "One trillion dollars..." Sean gasped. "It's normally one million, but wow!" Luke dropped. [30 minutes later] "So why are we here?" Frank asked in his ragged clothes, along with Faye and Quinten. "Okay Frank, do not try to scream or faint, but we won the lottery for one trillion dollars and want to give it to you..." Sean sighed, putting his hand behind his back. "We felt bad about what Argo did to you yesterday and-" Luke was cut off by Frank. "I didn't really mind, homeless people deserve to be tricked anyway..." Frank whimpered. "No, no, no. You deserve one trillion dollars to give to the poor, for your family, and for yourself." Seam smiled. [The next day] Argo was watching tv in his rich-bedroom but suddenly the news came along.

"Some homeless family of steins are now trillionaires, they're about 100 times as much richer then Argo Togo Wiliski." The man on the news smiled, as Argo spit his cereal out of his mouth. "A trillionaire family? Those homeless steins got one trillion dollars?" Argo asked in surprise, Frank built a mall that had a daycare, workplace, food court, homeless caring center, indoor playground, stores, hotel, and pool. "Daddy, can I go to the indoor playground?" Faye asked. "Yes, you can." Frank smiled, as Argo went inside the building with a sad face. "Frank I'm sorry, I treated you badly because you were poor..." Argo whimpered. "It's okay, by a matter of a fact, you can have five billion of my money." Frank smiled. "Thank you..." Argo smiled, hugging Frank.

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