Natives and Settlers of the Forest

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[This is a sad story how stein settlers affect werewolf natives.]

Three werewolf natives named Winda, Wenda, and Wanda were playing in the forest. "Daddy said not to go too far." Wanda stated, Wenda's stomach then growled. "We should try to look for food." Wenda suggested. [A few moments later] The werewolf girls were starving, there was no food in sight. "I think we're lost." Winda whimpered. "It's getting dark, we should at least try to find our back to the village." Wanda suggested, the girls suddenly noticed a couple of stein settlers holding torches. "It's settlers! Hide!" Wenda warned to her younger sisters. "There was a rustle in that bush." A stein named Mark growled, the girls began to run but Wanda suddenly tripped. "Help!" Wanda cried, as a stein named Argo grabbed her by her dress. "Well, well, well? If it isn't a native werewolf all alone in the forest?" Argo laughed.

"Let me go!" Wanda whimpered. "We'll let you go if you tell us where your village is so we can burn it to shreds!" A stein named Sean imitated. "Y-You can't do that!" Wanda shivered, the stein settlers
did snickers and took Wanda away. Meanwhile... "DAD! MOM!" Winda yelped. "What is it?" A werewolf named Wilson questioned. "It's Wanda, the stein settlers kidnapped her!" Wenda whimpered. [The next day] Wanda was being kept in a cage of some sort, a stein named Eunice passed by with a bowl full of carrots. Wanda's stomach suddenly growled, she began to whimper a little. Eunice looked at her bowl of carrots, she did a sigh in defeat. Wanda suddenly noticed that Eunice gave her the bowl of carrots, she dropped her jaw. "Have it little one, you need it more than I do..." Eunice sighed sympathetically.

"Thank you... I guess..." Wanda exhaled. Meanwhile... Mark, Argo, and Sean were talking to other stein settlers about the werewolf natives. "There could be a village nearby, we should surprise attack them at night when they're asleep." Mark laughed. [A few hours later] The stein settlers were getting their weapons and torches ready. Meanwhile... The werewolf natives were going to sleep, not expecting or knowing what was about to happen to them and their village. "Sweetheart..." A werewolf named Willa sighed. "Yes?" Wilson muttered. "Do you think we'll ever get Wanda back?" Willa asked. "I don't think we'll find her anytime soon." Wilson whimpered. [A few moments later] The stein settlers had noticed the village. "I don't want a single teepee left." A stein named Frank growled, he must have been the leader.

Wilson suddenly woke up from a sudden scream in the distance, he then noticed his teepee was on fire. "GIRLS!" Wilson alerted, Willa, Winda, and Wenda woke up. "What's happening Dad? I'm getting scared..." Winda cried. "We have to find a way out of this quickly!" Wenda stated, Wilson couldn't believe his own eyes. Werewolf natives were screaming as they were getting attacked by stein settlers, and teepees were just burnt hay on the ground. "Get your spear!" A werewolf native named Walsh ordered. [A few moments later] The stein settlers seemed to be losing the harsh battle. "I think that's all of them." A werewolf named Walter sighed in relief, but Mark, Argo, Sean, and Frank suddenly came along. Wilson gasped with fear as he noticed that Frank had a sword right onto Wanda's throat.

"You better surrender or it's her life!" Argo imitated. "Please Daddy, think of something..." Wanda whimpered as she started to cry a little, but the stein settlers suddenly fell down. Eunice had hit them with a sledgehammer, the werewolf natives did gasps of surprise. "You completely saved her!" Willa gasped. "Yes, I don't hate werewolf natives at all." Eunice smiled, Wanda hugged Eunice hardly then let go as she ran to her family. "We worried about you..." Wilson shivered, hugging Wanda as hard as he could. "I did as well..." Wanda added.

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