Ruthless Werewolf Pup

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[Three werewolf men named Walter, Walsh, and William mistake a one-year old werewolf pup named Wanda for a millionaire's daughter and kidnap her, William starts to get really close to Wanda for some reason, leaving Walter and Walsh behind a little.]

Wanda was playing outside, her werewolf Grandma named Wendy had to watch over her. Wanda's mom named Willa was mostly glued to her work-desk, and her dad named Wilson had to go the office. Wendy was taking a nap a nice nap, but some black van drove up into the road. "This is house 901." Walter stated. "It doesn't look like a millionaire's house." Walsh added. "They must have not spent their money on a mansion." William thought, the werewolf men walked out of the van into the yard that Wanda was playing on. Wanda was sucking on her pacifier and looked up at the big werewolves to her, as they picked her up. [A few moments later] Wanda was in the carseat crying, Walter started to get a little annoyed. "Will one of ya'll shut her up?" Walter asked annoyed as Walsh did an annoyed grumble.

Wanda was looking at her pacifier on the ground, William picked Wanda up and did a smile at her. "Don't worry, it's going to be okay." William cooed, but Wanda began to cry more. "She doesn't know where she is nor who we are." Walsh sighed. "Well, can we at least try to calm her down?" Walter grumbled, William noticed Wanda's pacifier on the ground. "What about this pacifier on the ground?" William questioned, picking the pacifier up and putting it into Wanda's mouth. Wanda began to calm down a little, she looked at William and did a smile under her pacifier. "The kid just wanted her pacifier." William smiled, starting to carry Wanda. [A few moments later] The men along with Wanda were at their apartment. "Ah, home sweet home." Walter sighed in relief, but Wanda suddenly began to cry again, making the others annoyed.

"What now?" Walsh grumbled in annoyance. "She probably wants to take a nap or wants some milk." William exhaled. [A few moments later] Walter laid Wanda onto the couch and laid a soft blanket on her, he then horribly sang a lullaby, but Wanda began to cry worser and more. "Don't sing, you're scaring her!" Walsh growled. "Do we have a baby bottle?" Walter asked. "She seems to be at least 13 or 14 months old, so she's probably a little too old for bottles." William thought, getting a sippy-cup and putting some warm milk in it. [A few moments later] William was feeding Wanda nice and warm milk, Walter and Walsh did a grumble. "She's a one-year old, she can feed herself." Walsh grumbled. "Do you want her to choke on accident? I'm making sure that doesn't happen." William growled back, trying to defend Wanda.

[The next day] "When did you notice she was missing?" An officer that was a werewolf named Will questioned to Willa and Wilson. "When we woke up this morning, my mom must have been asleep when she was babysitting her." Wilson sighed. "We'll try to track whoever did this." An officer than was a werewolf named Willow smiled. Meanwhile... Walter, Walsh, William, and Wanda were eating their breakfast, William was feeding Wanda some oatmeal. The werewolf men smelled some stench, as if someone farted or someone had dirty armpits. "Where is that stench coming from?" Walter asked annoyed. "I don't know, I used my deodorant this morning so don't look at me." Walsh whimpered, covering his nose. "I did as well." William sighed, he picked up Wanda and put her on his lap.

But he felt something squishy on Wanda's Jean, she did a little giggle. William took a little sniff on Wanda's jeans, he yelped in disgust and horror, covering his nose immediately. "What happened?" Walter dropped. "She did a number two, BLEUGH! Must have been a bad and terrible one." William whimpered, taking Wanda to the bathroom. [A few moments later] William got a werewolf pup sized gray hoodie, some new and fresh pants, a fresh diaper, a diaper bin, baby powder, wipe, and refreshing spray, he opened Wanda's diapers and did a yelp. Wanda did a little giggle at him, as William did a joyful smile. "You did a big dump, didn't you?" William cooed. [A minute later] William came out carrying Wanda all fresh and clean. "We have to get rid of William." Walter growled. "But how Walter?" Walsh asked quietly.

"We'll force William to turn himself in, and then go somewhere faraway with the kid where the police can't find us." Walter explained as he did an evil smile, Wanda heard the conversation a little and did a worried whimper. [A few hours later] William was playing with Wanda, until Walter and Walsh suddenly pointed guns at them. "Walter? Walsh? What are you two doing?" William asked worried and confused. "Turn yourself in, or it's you and the kid's life." Walsh imitated. "Fine..." William grumbled. [20 minutes later] William did a defeated sigh in front of the police station. "How am I going to explain this..." William whimpered. [A few moments later] "I'm one of the three who kidnapped Wanda Wolfers, the others are Walter Wonsan and Walsh Wookiee, they forced me to turn myself in..." William explained.

"Or else?" Officer Will asked, wanting more information. "Or they would kill me and the kid, I don't know where they are with Wanda Wolfers now." William whimpered. "Well, we're afraid you'll have to be in custody for a few days, but we know the two criminal you're talking about." Officer Willow added. "Walter and Walsh would steal stuff as werewolf pups, and they also have some theft charges from a few years ago." Officer Will sighed. "I stole Walter's credit card, I think you'll be able to track them." William stated. Meanwhile... Walter and Walsh were in the car with Wanda. "Do you think the parents want to talk with the kid?" Walsh asked evilly, Walter did a snicker and called Willa and Wilson. Meanwhile... "We'll never see her again." Willa whimpered, but she suddenly got a phone call. "Who is it?" Wilson asked confused.

"This is Walter Wonsan, we have your kid." Walter growled, Willa did a scream. "P-Please don't hurt her..." Willa begged. "We won't hurt her unless you tell the police you got this call." Walsh stated, the terrifying phone call ended, Willa cried and hugged Wilson. [The next day] Walter, Walsh, and Wanda were at some apartment, but Walter noticed he didn't have his credit card. "Oh my gosh, we're doomed..." Walter whimpered. "What do ya mean?" Walsh asked confused. "William must have took my credit card, the police could use it to track us." Walter explained as police cars, SWAT vans, and FBI trucks were parked outside of the apartment building, Walsh locked the door. [A few moments later] The police were trying to bust the door open, Willa and Wilson heard Wanda crying. "What are they doing to her?" Willa cried.

[A few moments later] Walter and Walsh put their paws up, Wanda hugged Willa and Wilson as William came along. "Could I babysit her while you're away?" William asked

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