A Sacrifice

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[A werewolf mother named Wanda has to make a difficult and challenging sacrifice for her newborn puppy.]

Wanda was carrying her newborn son, she couldn't control her unbridled sobbing.

"Mrs. Wolfers, the new mother is here, her name is Eunice," said the doctor. "I'll go ahead and leave you two be." The doctor left and closed the door.

Eunice sighed, "I can leave if now's not a good time." Wanda looked down at her newborn peacefully sleeping.

"It's hard to give up on my own child like this," Wanda exhaled, she looked down at her newborn peacefully sleeping. "Sweetheart, I want you to know that I love you so so much..." She kissed her newborn on the head.

"Wanda, you don't have to do this..." Eunice whimpered.

"You don't understand, Eunice," Wanda whimpered. "I-I have n-no choice... You see... My husband named Wayne and I were going through difficult times..."

Wayne had lost his job and we started having trouble paying our bills. One day, I found out that I was pregnant and told Wayne about it, but he didn't want to keep the puppy. Wayne left and took everything we had, he left me homeless and pregnant with absolutely n-nothing... I didn't know how I was going to take care of my own child and focus on my survival at the same time, it k-killed me to believe that m-my boy w-would be b-born to live in the streets. On the day of his birth, I decided the only way was to place him for adoption, so he could have a better life...

Wanda sighed, "So you see? I have to do this." Even Eunice cried from Wanda's story.

"Y-You're such an amazing p-person," Eunice sighed. "I'll make sure that one day William knows the sacrifice you made for him."

"I like that name, I hope you take great care of him," said Wanda, Eunice went on the other side of Wanda. "You hear that sweetie? It's t-time to go meet your n-new mommy..." Wanda gave William to Eunice in his light blue blanket.

"Wait- Before you go, can you give this to him?" Wanda asked, it was a necklace with half of a broken heart. Wanda glared sympathetically at her other half.

23 years later, Wanda had been homeless for almost 25 years, she was staring in devastation at her necklace.

"William!" called out a voice.

"W-W-William?" Wanda shivered, it came out to be a human boy.

The boy chuckled, "Mom, I can't believe you're here!" Wanda got her sign that said "Please help, cold and hungry". A man passed by and Wanda showed her sign to him.

"Please help me," Wanda whimpered. "I'm cold and hungry."

The man grumbled, "Take a hike." Wanda sighed and put her sign down, she sobbed with completely nothing.

A werewolf man named William had noticed Wanda cold and hungry.

"Miss, are you all right?" William worriedly asked.

"No, I'm not all right," Wanda sighed. "I'm cold and hungry, I have nowhere to go, and I have no money."

"Well, you don't have to worry," William smiled. "Because I'm going to take you home."

Wanda stuttered, "I-I d-don't understand..."

"You see, there was a werewolf boy who was a adopted..." William sighed.

His step-mom told him that his own father didn't even want him and left his birth mom homeless and pregnant. He didn't forget about his birth mom, or the sacrifices she made for his life.

"I'm not going to give up on you, because you never gave up on me," said William. "I've been searching these streets every night for my other half." William smiled and showed Wanda the other half of the heart necklace, she gasped and didn't know what to say.

"W-W-William? Is it really you," Wanda asked, William nodded as Wanda cried and hugged him. "You're such a grown man, you're handsomer than I thought!"

William chuckled, "I made some fresh macaroni for you and I, with some extra cheese." The two werewolves couldn't be more than happy to be reunited.

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