"We want a better daddy..."

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[Severely abused by their stein father named Frank, they ask their stein mom named Eunice for a better daddy.]

Eunice was a 23-year old stein about to leave the house, a 24-year old stein named Frank along with a four-year old stein named Faye and a two-year old stein named Quinten waved goodbye, but Frank suddenly grabbed Faye and Quinten's arms. "You two are going to do every single thing I say." Frank growled as Eunice left, he would abuse Faye and Quinten while Eunice was gone. If Faye and Quinten told Eunice about the abuse, Frank said he would kill the both of them. [10 minutes later] Quinten was crying as he was washing the dishes, and Faye was trying her best to cook something for Frank. [A few moments later] Faye went to Frank with a plate with an egg on it. "An egg?" Frank asked angrily. "It's all we have left, Daddy, that's why Mommy went to the store..." Faye exhaled with fear, Frank did a growl.

Frank grabbed the plate and threw it towards the ground as it cracked, he then grabbed Faye by one of her black and white pigtails as she began to scream and cry. "You're going to the backyard young lady." Frank growled. "OW! PLEASE DADDY NO!" Faye begged, but Frank took her to the backyard to be beaten, Quinten just shivered in horror. Meanwhile... A stein named Liz felt like something bad was happening next door. "Why do I feel like something bad is happening..." Liz whimpered, she went to Frank's backyard and she gasped what she had seen, Frank was repeatedly punching Faye and kicking her hardly. "Oh my, I have to tell Eunice and the police." Liz whimpered, getting her phone. Meanwhile... Eunice was shopping at the grocery store until she suddenly got a call from Liz and answered it.

"Hello? Oh Liz it's you..." Eunice smiled. "Eunice, it's about Frank... He's beating Faye and Quinten severely..." Liz explained. "What? Frank wouldn't do such a thing, he's sweet to them when I'm away..." Eunice dropped, Liz grumbled and turned it to FaceTime, Eunice dropped her phone to the ground. [A few hours later] Eunice and Frank were having a fight, while the kids were asleep. "The problem is you severely abusing two toddlers when I'm away." Eunice sighed. "They're getting older, they need to grow up." Frank grumbled. "Plus, you've been drinking wine and alcohol, that makes me worried about your liver as well..." Eunice added. "Alcohol isn't going to hurt me or the kids at all Eunice." Frank murmured, Faye and Quinten were watching the fight from upstairs, concerned and worried about this.

"That's it, just get out of my house, I don't want a child predator in my house..." Eunice sighed, pointing towards the door, Frank threw his bottle of wine towards the ground. "YOUR HOUSE? I BOUGHT THIS THING WHEN FAYE WAS BORN!" Frank yelled. "I WANT MY CHILDREN TO BE SAFE, FROM YOU!" Eunice yelled back, Faye began to comfort Quinten as he was crying. "THERE'S NO PROBLEM WITH ALCOHOL IN THIS HOUSE!" Frank yelled back again. "ME AND THE KIDS ARE MOVING FAR AWAY FROM YOU, YOU'RE A CHILD PREDATOR!" Eunice screamed. "I'LL KILL YOUR WHOLE FAMILY, AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR LITTLE FACE OR HEAR YOUR LITTLE MOUTH AGAIN!" Frank yelled, going into his car. Eunice threw her coat at the door as Frank slammed it, she did a sigh in relief.

Faye and Quinten ran towards Eunice and hugged her hardly as they cried. "T-Thank you Mommy, that was brave of you..." Quinten whimpered. "We want a better daddy..." Faye begged. [The next day] Eunice was talking with Liz. "I'm sorry you both broke up..." Liz sighed. "I'm fine, I don't want some child predator in my house..." Eunice added. "Well, let me go do my laundry." Liz smiled, going into her house as Eunice went inside her house. [10 minutes later] Frank was looking at a picture of Eunice when she was just 16, Frank was just a few months older than Eunice. (Flashback starts) Frank was just 17 years of age in 11th grade, but he suddenly noticed a shy 16-year old and new stein girl named Eunice carrying her books, he blushed shyly in romance. Eunice looked at him but Frank looked back, she did a worried look.

[30 minutes later] Eunice had a lot of books to carry, Frank then came along. "Oh uh, that seems like a lot of books, do you mind if I carry them for you?" Frank asked nervously. "Well, you can I guess..." Eunice sighed. (Flashback ends) Frank sighed, remembering that day, but he then thought of something very evil. "I'm kidnapping those little squirts." Frank grumbled. [30 minutes later] Faye and Quinten were playing outside, until they noticed Frank. "Come on kids." Frank smiled. "Go away..." Faye whimpered, as her and Quinten ran inside. [A few moments later] "Frank, what are you doing here?" Eunice asked worried, not knowing Frank had a pan. "Oh I uh, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about the beating and abuse..." Frank lied, as an Eunice did a sigh and looked down towards the ground.

"Frank, you've crossed the line..." Eunice exhaled, but Frank hit her hardly with the pan, making her unconscious completely. "You better shut your little mouth." Frank imitated, Faye and Quinten cried as he forced them into his car. "Why are you doing this daddy?" Quinten asked worried. "Your mom is a fraud." Frank grumbled. "Please Daddy..." Faye begged. "No, you two better be quiet because we're going home." Frank growled. [10 minutes later] Liz was going to take out something from the trunk, she tried to hold her scream. [10 minutes later] "I just saw my friend's body in the trunk, her heart's beating and she's breathing though." Liz explained you the police, Eunice suddenly began to wake up. "What happened?" Eunice asked confused. "Someone made you unconscious." One cop stated.

"My ex must have kidnapped my children..." Eunice thought worried. "What's his name?" Another cop asked. "Frank Kevin Stein... We recently broke up, and he's a terrible child predator. It's been hard for my toddlers, and his car is a gray sedan." Eunice explained. [30 minutes later] Faye and Quinten were shivering at Frank's house. "Since Mommy isn't around, I'll give you even worse jobs." Frank smiled evilly. "Mommy and the police are coming for us Daddy!" Faye growled in anger. "Any words or sentences about Mommy you're going straight to the basement to get tortured." Frank imitated. "Daddy, I'm getting hungry." Quinten whimpered. [10 minutes later] Frank was going to some restaurant, he was grabbing Faye by her pigtails and holding Quinten's hand very hard, as they were whimpering.

"I'd like three burgers with along with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and mustard." Frank grumbled. "I don't want tomatoes or onions in my burger..." Faye whimpered. "Well, you're having those in your burger anyway you little twit." Frank growled. "Sir, you seem to be assaulting your children. If they don't want tomatoes or onions in their burger, just let them have what they want please." The cashier whimpered, Frank punched the cashier right in the face. [10 minutes later] "Daddy, you convicted a crime, Mommy could be upset..." Quinten whimpered, Frank grabbed his arm hardly. "What did I say?" Frank asked angrily. "D-Don't s-say anything a-about M-Mommy..." Quinten stammered. "Okay, I'll let it slide this time twit, but next time you're going to the basement." Frank grumbled, crossing his arms at Quinten.

"Why are you doing this?" Faye asked worried. "Because I want to." Frank murmured. "Are there other rules?" Quinten asked as well. "Yes there are rules, don't talk about Mommy, no going out at night, no disobeying me, no telling anyone about this abuse, and especially don't call the police. If you call the police, I'll do something way worse than the basement." Frank imitated, police cars, SWAT vans, and FBI vans suddenly pulled up at Frank's house, as he shivered. "DID YOU CALL THE POLICE?" Frank asked angrily in a high tone at Faye and Quinten. "No Daddy!" Faye whimpered, the police, SWAT, FBI, Eunice, and Liz went into his house, Frank put his hands up and whimpered. [A few moments later] Frank was put into handcuffs. "You're under arrest." The cop sighed. "For what?" Frank asked angrily.

"Third Degree Assault, Child Endangerment, Severe Abuse, and Kidnapping." The cop explained, Faye and Quinten ran to Eunice and Liz, and hugged them hardly. "Thank you!" Quinten smiled. "I think I need more than one pair of hands for two little toddlers..." Eunice exhaled, looking towards Liz. "I'll help you with them." Liz smiled.

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