The Miracle of Life

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[This is a story about a pregnant stein who goes into labor and meets a stein named Frank.]

Eunice was talking to her friends at work, she was about 38 weeks pregnant. "When is your baby due?" A kitsune named Lyra. "My doctor said on April 25th, I can't wait to meet him or her..." Eunice smiled, putting her hand on her stomach. "Too bad he or she won't be able to meet its father when it's born." A werewolf named Wenda whimpered. "Don't worry Wenda, I'll try my best to find a perfect father for my baby. Even if he's handsome or not." Eunice sighed. [A few hours later] Everyone's work shift was done, as they were getting ready to go home. Eunice was peacefully walking down the sidewalk, until her stomach started to tighten a little. Eunice gasped and put her hand on her stomach, a contraction then came along. "TAXI PLEASE! I'm in labor!" Eunice whimpered in pain.

A taxi passed by but some man went into it first. "Get lost!" The man grumbled. "SELFISH!" Eunice muttered, another taxi came along. Eunice zoomed inside of the taxi, the driver was a stein named Frank. "Where to ma'am?" Frank questioned. "To St. Haversack Hospital, I'm in labor." Eunice sighed, putting both of her hands on her stomach. "Oh shoot, there's terrible traffic today!" Frank shivered. "Just get me to the hospital okay? The first stage of labor could take hours!" Eunice groaned, she squeezed her stomach as another contraction came along. [A few moments later] Frank was zooming on the road, Eunice suddenly noticed a truck. "AH!" Eunice screamed, Frank dodged it just in time. "What's your husband's phone number? I need to tell him your having your baby." Frank asked frantically.

"I DON'T HAVE A HUSBAND!" Eunice yelled. "Well a boyfriend?" Frank muttered. "He decided it was okay to cheat on me and leave me completely deserted." Eunice exhaled. [A few moments later] Frank and Eunice were stuck in some traffic due to people working at a construction sight. "CAN'T YOU SEE I HAVE AN EMERGENCY?" Frank yelled angrily. "Sorry bub, you have continue with this route." The road director sighed, Frank went through the construction site. "AH! MY WATER JUST BROKE!" Eunice screamed. "Have you practiced your breathing?" Frank questioned in concern. "LOOK OUT!" Eunice warned, a bulldozer was heading their way as Frank got out of the way just in time. Construction workers with angry looks chased Frank's taxi. "I'm going through the alleyway." Frank stated.

Frank drove through an alleyway and was finally at the hospital, Eunice with complete anger began to hit Frank outside of the taxi. "STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! MY KID IS PROBABLY GOING TO BE BRAIN DAMAGED BECAUSE OF YOU!" Eunice growled. "You were in labor! I didn't want you to risk having the baby in the taxi!" Frank whimpered, Eunice then put her hand on her stomach as she felt another contraction. "I'LL HAVE THIS BABY WITHOUT YOU TOUCHING ME!" Eunice muttered, trying to get Frank's hands off of her. [A few moments later] Frank and Eunice were talking with the check-in staff. "Please I'm in labor, this is my first baby and I don't really know what to do." Eunice shivered. "Okay, we'll get you a room so you can get changed." A check-in lady stated. [A few moments later]

"Put these clothes on for the delivery." A doctor ordered to Frank. "But I'm not the father-" Frank was cut off by the doctor walking away. [A few moments later] Eunice was laying on a hospital bed, the baby's heartbeats were going through the machine of some sort. "Another one is coming doctor..." Eunice muttered. "Please breathe Eunice..." A doctor named Dr. Ross suggested, Eunice sighed and closed her eyes, the baby's head put more pressure on her. "OH GOSH! Can you think of something?" Eunice whimpered, Frank suddenly came along. "I need drugs please..." Eunice begged. "No, you don't want drugs..." Frank sighed. "In a few minutes she could be delivering." Dr. Ross stated, Frank ran outside to get a doctor. "Are you a delivery doctor? Come!" Frank shivered. [A few moments later]

"Water break?" A doctor name Dr. Klondike asked. "Half an hour ago." Dr. Ross sighed, Dr. Klondike got a shot of some sort that would slow Eunice's contractions down. "I'll go back to school for a whole year if you make the pain stop..." Eunice exaggerated, Dr. Klondike put the shot through Eunice's arm. "Thank you..." Eunice smiled. [A few moments later] Eunice was trying her best to push. "Deep breaths, good girl." Frank exhaled, him and a nurse were holding her hands. "All right, all right one more." Dr. Klondike stated, Eunice then pushed again as hard as she could. Dr. Ross was carrying a newborn baby in his arms. "It's a boy!" Dr. Ross smiled, a nurse named Jess came along with scissors. "Would you like to cut the cord?" Jess questioned. "No thanks..." Frank shivered as Eunice smiled with happiness.

The baby was being wrapped in a light blue cloth and a white hat with light blue stripes was put onto his head, the nurse gave the baby to Eunice. "What are you going to name him?" Dr. Klondike asked with a smile. "Fran..." Eunice sighed in relief, she the did a little smile as Fran. He opened his eyes a little and saw his mother for the first time. "So you're the one who's been kicking me..." Eunice smiled, Frank began to cry a little and did a sympathetic smile. "I'm happy for you Eunice, he looks exactly like you." Frank complimented. [One week later] Frank came to Eunice's apartment. "I just wanted to check on how you and the baby are doing." Frank stated. "Thank you for taking me to the hospital, I'm sorry for hitting you though. I was just in the worst pain I've had in my life that I was angry." Eunice whimpered in guilt.

"You're welcome, it's not the first time I've helped a woman in labor get to the hospital in time." Frank sighed, he then kneeled down towards Fran. "Nine months trying to get out, then you try to get back in for the rest of your life." Frank chuckled, Fran did a little giggle. "I would pay you, but someone stole my purse at the hospital-" Eunice dropped, Frank suddenly gave Eunice her purse. "You left it in the cab..." Frank smiled. "Thank you, what would I do without you?" Eunice chuckled, she hugged Frank hardly.

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