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[This is a sad story about a stein named Faye who is abused by her father.]

A stein named Eunice was shivering cold, she went to her house where another stein named Liz was. "Where's the baby?" Liz asked worried. "Faye's with Frank, I can't risk her being in the cold." Eunice sighed. [A few weeks ago] Eunice was about 29 weeks pregnant with Faye, she was at some bar with a stein named Frank. "My baby..." Eunice whimpered. "What about the piece of junk?" Frank grumbled. "Frank... I know this pregnancy was unplanned and unexpected, but we conceived her for us.... We can't just throw her out like she's a trash bag." Eunice cried, rubbing her stomach. "We'll meet this piece of junk any day now, and I'll take good care of her..." Frank smirked. [A few years later] Faye was 11 years old. Frank forced her to sleep in the attic, plus Faye would miss out on dinner and would starve.

She would wait for her siblings to sneak food to her when Frank wasn't looking. "Here's a sandwich Faye..." Faye's stein brother named Fran whispered. "Thank you... Quickly before Dad comes!" Faye whimpered, Fran ran back downstairs. [A few hours later] Fran and his stein siblings named Quinten and Francis were talking about Faye. "Why does Dad hate Faye? I mean... We're all in the same family..." Francis sighed. "He's probably just jealous of Faye." Quinten added, but they all heard a sudden bang. "Oh no, he must be beating Faye right now." Fran shivered. In the attic... Faye was crying in pain, she had a black eye along with her clothes being ripped. "Weakling, do you want more?" Frank asked. "N-No..." Faye shivered. Frank began to beat her more, Faye's siblings and Eunice would watch the beating everyday.

"Sweetheart, she's had enough." Eunice sighed. "I can beat you worse than this if I have to Eunice." Frank imitated. [A few weeks later] Quinten was at the principal's office at his school, his name was Dr. Klondike. "Why have been punching the wall at home Quinten?" Dr. Klondike asked, Quinten put his hand on his arm. "I-I'm practicing my karate skills." Quinten nervously lied, Dr. Klondike did a sigh. "Quinten, why have you be punching the wall?" Dr. Klondike questioned, Quinten began to cry a little. "It's my older sister Faye, I'm worried about her." Quinten whimpered. "Worried about what?" Dr. Klondike exhaled. "Frank..." Quinten sighed. "Who's Frank, Quinten?" Dr. Klondike asked concerned. "He's my father... Frank's been doing abusive things to Faye." Quinten stated, crying even more as he thought about it.

"Deep breaths... Has he been doing it to anybody else?" Dr. Klondike whimpered. "He's does it to me, my siblings, and my mom.... Please, we just want it to stop..." Quinten cried, hugging Dr. Klondike hardly. [A few hours later] Frank was placed into handcuffs. "I'm afraid Faye is going to have to go to Child Protection Services for a while Eunice." An officer named Officer Will sighed. "Well, just let them take as much are of her." Eunice smiled.

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