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[A werewolf pup named Wanda goes missing, but she doesn't seem safe with her parents.]

Willow and Wine were two female werewolves talking. "This is the coldest winter in Wolf City since I moved here..." Willow shivered. "It's 40 degrees! Brrr!" Wine added, but they suddenly heard a crying noise. "What was that?" Willow asked worried. "That sounded like a werewolf pup, it's coming from that alley way." Wine pointed, the two werewolves went over there and gasped, a one-year old werewolf pup was crying only in her diaper. "Oh my! What is your name and where are your parents?" Willow asked in alert, Wine noticed a tag with the word "Wanda" written on it. "I think Wanda is her name." Wine informed. [30 minutes later] Willow, Wine, and Wanda were at a house, Willow put a pacifier into Wanda's mouth to calm and sooth her. "I got some werewolf pup clothes from the store." Willow sighed.

Wine put a pink shirt onto Wanda. "How are we going to raise her? We're not mothers..." Wine whimpered. "I believe I bought some werewolf pup supplies as well, diapers, wipes, a bottle, clothes, blankets, food, and many more supplies." Willow informed. "But what about toys?" Wine asked again. "That as well." Willow smiled, Wanda took out her pacifier. "M-Mama!" Wanda giggled. "Oh no, we're looking for your Mama and Dada, okay?" Wine smiled. [The next day] Wanda had on a gray hoodie along with some jeans, Willow was feeding Wanda oatmeal. "Should we call the police about this? I mean, we can't keep Wanda for the rest of her life.." Wine sighed. "Maybe later today." Willow added, wiping some oatmeal off of Wanda's mouth, she placed Wanda down as she walked wobbly to her toys.

Wanda began making toddler sounds. "She's so cute, I wish we could keep her." Wine smiled. "Same, although my sister has a werewolf pup as well." Willow added, Wanda began crying as Wine picked her up. "What's wrong?" Wine asked in awe. "She must be gassy." Willow sighed, Wine patted Wanda's back, and a tiny burp came out of Wanda. [Two hours later] Willow and Wine were talking until they heard a loud yawn, Wanda's eyes seemed tired. "I forgot to buy a crib or a cradle, of course.." Willow muttered. "Let's lay her down on the couch." Wine suggested, Willow placed Wanda onto the couch, put a pink pacifier into her mouth, laid a white blanket onto her, and placed a stuffed toy next to her. Willow began to hum a lullaby, Wanda was fast asleep. "Wow, you're really good." Wine complimented.

"Yes, I do this with my nephew as well." Willow smiled. [30 minutes later] Wine and Willow were eating while Wanda was napping on Willow's lap, they smelled a stench, as if someone farted. "What is that smell?" Wine asked. "I don't know.." Willow muttered, she put her paw on Wanda's jeans and felt something squishy, Willow then smelled Wanda's jeans, and yelped. "What is it?" Wine asked again. "She did a number two, BLEUGH! It must have been a bad one..." Willow muttered, she got a diaper, wipes, werewolf pup powder, some new clothes, a pacifier, and some freshening spray. She placed Wanda onto the bed, Willow opened the diaper and looked away in disgust as Wanda began to giggle playfully. "Oh, you did a big dump, didn't you?" Willow cooed. [One hour later]

Wine and Willow were about to go to the police station, Wine put on a black coat, tiny white mittens, and a pink hat on Wanda, Willow put her pacifier into her mouth. "Is she good at walking?" Wine asked. "Well, she fell down a few times in the bedroom." Willow sighed, Wine clipped Wanda's pacifier to her jacket so it wouldn't fall. [10 minutes later] Wine and Willow arrived at the police station, as Willow was holding Wanda's paw. "We need to talk with some officers, please." Wine begged. [Five minutes later] Wine and Willow were having a talk with two werewolf police officers, Officer Will, and Officer Willow. "Names?" Officer Will asked. "I'm Wine, and this is Willow." Wine informed. "Wow, we have the same name." Officer Willow added. "Yes." Willow smiled. "You're named after the drink?" Will asked playfully.

"Unfortunately, yes." Wine sighed. "Well, we found this werewolf pup wandering in the streets yesterday only in a diaper, we don't know where her parents live or are, oh and her name is Wanda." Willow informed. "Aww, you three can stay with us until we find her parents." Will smiled. Meanwhile, at an apartment... The parents of Wanda named Willa and Wilson, were worried. "Where could she be?" Willa asked worried. "I don't know..." Wilson whimpered, the two werewolves held each other and started to cry. Willow and Wine decided to do a little picnic, Wanda was napping with a pink blanket over her. "Dada Dada da..... M-Mama mama ma..." Wanda whispered in her sleep, Willow smiled and put her paw on her. "I believe she's at least 12 or 13 months old..." Willow suggested. "Yes, you're correct." Wine added.

Wanda then began softly whimpering, Willow put her pacifier into her mouth. "We'll find her parents one day." Willow sighed. [The next day] Willow was making food for Wanda, while Wine was picking clothes for Wanda to wear, Wanda was still asleep on the bed. Until suddenly, they heard a knock. "Who is it?" Willow asked. "I'm Willa, this is my husband, Wilson. We've lost our daughter." Willa whimpered. "Oh, well, we've been keeping a lost daughter for a few days, trying to find her parents." Willow sighed. "I hope she is reunited with her parents." Willa smiled. "I hope you find your daughter." Willow added. Wine slapped her head with her paw, as if Willow, Willa, and Wilson were acting dumb, Wilson got something in his head. "Is that lost daughter's name Wanda?" Wilson asked. "Yes, why?" Willow asked confused.

"She's the one we've been looking for!" Willa squealed, Wine heard them and gasped, she put a gray sweater with pink stripes onto Wanda, along with some jeans. "DADA DADA DA! MAMA MAMA MA!" Wanda screamed. "Cupcakes!" Wilson smiled, the family of three was now reunited. [The next day] Willa and Wilson were in their apartment. "I can't believe our plan didn't work." Willa grumbled. "We shouldn't have left Wanda there in the alley, we should've left her in the dumpster." Wilson sighed. "Oh, I have a better idea, let's feed her heroine to her death, so we never have to see her face again, babe." Willa smiled evilly. At the apartment next door... "Sean, I've been smelling heroine and marijuana at the apartment next door." A human lady named Rebecca whimpered.

"Let me call the police for them to look at surveillance cameras, to see what actually happened the day they lost the child..." Sean sighed, getting his phone. [30 minutes later] Wine and Willow were at the police station. "Why did you call us?" Wine asked. "Someone called us about the parents of the missing child being suspicious the night you found her, they told us to look at the surveillance cameras together." Officer Will informed, Officer Willow started the video. {Video} "Leave her there, We need to get the heroine and marijuana ready." Willa ordered. "All right." Wilson smiled, putting a tag with Wanda's name on it, Willa took Wanda's clothes off, and ran off, Wanda woke up, and began crying, Wine and Willow came along. "Oh my! What is your name and where are your parents?" Willow asked in alert.

"I think Wanda is her name." Wine informed. {Video Stops} "Oh my gosh, they abandoned Wanda for us to find..." Willow whimpered. "Wanda isn't safe with her parents..." Wine growled. [The next day] Wanda was asleep in her crib, along with Wilson and Willa sitting on the couch, until they heard a knock. "Who is it?" Wilson asked. "Wolf City Police Department!" Officer Will yelled, Wilson and Willa began to sweat. "Hide everything!" Willa demanded, Wilson put the heroine and marijuana into a safe, so the police wouldn't find it. "W-What is i-it s-sir and ma'am?" Willa asked nervously. "People have been saying you abandoned your child alone in an alley and let someone find her to keep. Also, they have said you have heroine and marijuana." Officer Willow informed, Willa did a nervous shiver at her.

"My husband and I never had heroine or marijuana before, ma'am." Willa lied nervously, putting her paw behind back. "Okay, you're being suspicious, I'm bringing my K-9 to find the truth." Officer Will grumbled. [Five minutes later] The K-9 was searching the apartment until it began barking, Officer Willow opened the safe, pounds and pounds of heroine and marijuana were seen. [A few moments later] Wilson and Willa were placed in handcuffs. "You'll both be charged with Child Endangerment and Drug Smuggling." Officer Willow informed, Wilson and Willa were in jail for 10 years, Wanda would be staying with Willow and Wine. "I'm glad she's safe." Wine smiled, carrying Wanda in her paws. "I'm as well." Willow smiled, Wanda was happily safe and sound.

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