"Don't be such a nerd."

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[Wanda is a werewolf that is bullied because of her braces. New student, Wayne that is a werewolf, tries to comfort Wanda from the bullying.]

Wanda was at her desk writing on her paper until some stein named Eunice threw a paper ball at her, she opened it and cried. The paper said 'Werewolves with braces are infesting and obnoxious, like you.' Wanda put the mean note into her backpack, the teacher that was a werewolf named Mrs. Wore then came along. "Class, we have a new student. He's a werewolf named Wayne, I want you all to treat him like you all did on the first day of school." Mrs. Wore smiled. "Hi Wayne!" Wanda greeted, doing a smile with her braces and waving her paw, but a mummy named Mumette threw a paper ball at her. "Shush up braces." Mumette grumbled. [20 minutes later] Wayne was doing his work, Mrs. Wore left the room for a minute. A stein named Frank and a mummy named Murray were writing a note, they gave it to Eunice.

The paper said 'The new kid might sit next to braces, Eunice.' Eunice then passed it to an invisible person named Crystal, she did a little smirk. [A few hours later] The bell rang for lunch, Wanda was carrying her lunch tray in her paws, looking for a place a sit. She was going to sit next to Mumette, but she put her lunch tray on the seat. "Go sit somewhere else." Frank grumbled. "O-Okay..." Wanda stuttered, Wayne was carrying his lunch, until he noticed Wanda sitting all alone. "That other werewolf looks lonely..." Wayne whimpered. He decided to sit next to her. "H-Hi." Wanda greeted nervously. "Hi, are you Wanda?" Wayne asked, doing a kind smile. "Yes, why?" Wanda asked confused. "You were sitting alone, and seemed lonely..." Wayne added, Eunice noticed Wayne sitting with Wanda.

"Braces is making out with the new kid, I think they're in love..." Eunice laughed, the others began to laugh. Wayne did a worried look, as Wanda began to softly shed tears. "Who are they laughing at?" Wayne asked. "Sigh, me... They've been bullying me a lot, it's sad that nobody else really cares..." Wanda sighed. "Why do they bully you like that?" Wayne asked worried, as Wanda did a smile with her braces. "It's because of my braces..." Wanda whimpered, Wayne dropped his jaw. "Hey Wanda, actually..." Wayne started, he did a smile with his braces as Wanda looked at him surprised. "I'm not the only one..." Wanda gasped. [A few days later] Wayne and Wanda would sit together everyday. But Eunice, Mumette, Frank, and Murray weren't happy about it. "We have to make them break up." Frank grumbled.

"I have an idea." Murray smirked, he got some paper and wrote something on it, Eunice, Mumette, Frank, and Murray began softly laughing. [The next day] Wayne went to his locker, until he noticed a note. "You are an ugly roach, from Wanda...." Wayne read. [A few hours later] Wanda was doing a smile, waiting for Wayne to come sit by her, but Wayne did a dirty look at her and sat with Wanda's bullies. "The kid is a rat, she called me an ugly roach." Wayne grumbled. "Wayne you can sit with us, you don't need to sit with braces." Mumette laughed, Wanda was all alone again. "Why did he sit with them-" Wanda dropped. "Hey guys, watch this." Eunice smirked. [A few moments later] Wanda was eating her lunch, until Eunice came along. "Braces, what do you have for lunch?" Eunice asked. "Oh uh.." Wanda dropped.

"Let's see, mash potatoes, mac n' cheese, green peas, and milk..." Eunice grumbled, taking Wanda's milk. "Give it back please, I'm getting hungry..." Wanda whined, Eunice poured it on Wanda as the whole lunchroom began to laugh and took out their phones to record and take pictures. Wanda ran away, embarrassed. [A few moments later] Wanda was looking at her reflection in the bathroom, she did a worried look and then began to cry. "I look terrible....." Wanda whimpered. She went outside to Wayne. "Wayne, why did you sit with them?" Wanda asked. Wayne grumbled and found the note that was on his locker. "I didn't write that-" Wanda dropped. "It says it's from you, braces." Wayne growled. Eunice, Mumette, Frank, and Murray began to laugh, that their plan had worked.

[A few hours later] Wanda cried and went to her room, her older sister who was 16 years old named Willow knew something was wrong, she went to Wanda's room. "Lil' sis? What's wrong?" Willow asked worried, putting her paw on Wanda's back. "I hate school, I never want to go there again." Wanda grumbled, crossing her arms and shedding tears. Willow noticed some paper in Wanda's backpack, it was the mean note that Eunice gave her a few days ago. "Who wrote that?" Willow asked concerned. "A bully, they're right anyway." Wanda sighed. "No, no, Wanda... You're beautiful and nice how you are, even if you don't have braces or not." Willow smiled, Wanda hugged her older sister. "Thank you, I feel better now." Wanda smiled, starting to sniffle, Willow did a little smile. [The next day]

Wanda was at her locker until Eunice, Murray, Mumette, and Frank came along, with Wayne as well. "Hey braces, give us all your lunch money." Mumette grumbled, Wanda pushed Mumette back. Frank and Eunice grabbed Wanda and took her outside as Wayne gasped, seeing his friends beat his former friend. Eunice grabbed Wanda by her shirt. "P-Please put m-me d-down..." Wanda stuttered. "No, BRACES!" Eunice growled. "Eunice, put her down and stop bullying her." Wayne sighed. "What did you just say?" Murray asked. "I said... Put her down..." Wayne growled. Frank approached Wayne. "Listen, she called you an ugly roach, she deserves all of this!" Frank grumbled as Eunice dropped Wanda, the group began to walk away and cross the road. But suddenly, a truck was coming towards their way.

Wanda dropped her jaw she ran to them and pushed Eunice, Murray, Frank, and Mumette out of the way, but the truck hit Wanda. "She saved our lives..." Mumette dropped, Wayne ran over to Wanda. "Please talk to me. I'm so sorry for everything..." Wayne whimpered. [The next day] Wanda was laying on the hospital bed, as her heartbeats were going through the computer. She then opened her eyes, seeing her parents by her side. "What happened?" Wanda asked. "A truck hit you as you saved someone else." Wanda's mother named Willa smiled, putting her paw on Wanda's head. [The next day] Wanda was at her locker, she had a cast on her arm. Eunice, Mumette, Murray, and Frank had sad faces. "We're so sorry, I mean... You saved our lives..." Eunice dropped. "I accept your apology." Wanda smiled.

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