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[A werewolf named Wanda is left homeless and pregnant.]

Wanda glared at the positive pregnancy test in the bathroom.

Moments later, Wanda sat down with her werewolf boyfriend named Wayne.

"I have some good news," smiled Wanda. "I'm pregnant." Wanda showed Wayne the pregnancy test, he didn't smile at all.

"Wanda, I can't have a puppy in this house!" growled Wayne. "I'm only 21 years old and I'm in college, I'm not ready to have responsibilities."

Wanda whimpered, "Wayne, just because you're in college doesn't mean we can't have this puppy..."

A werewolf girl named Winda suddenly walked inside the apartment.

"Hello Wayne!" smiled Winda. "Who's this werewolf girl?"

"Oh, this was my ex-girlfriend I was talking about," stated Wayne, Wanda's eyes immediately widened.

"E-Ex-girlfriend? You've been cheating on me?" mewled Wanda. "This is your new girlfriend?"

"Actually, he's my fiancé," added Winda, showing Wanda a wedding ring on one of her fingers. "We'll be moving in here, we're deciding to start having puppies when Wayne graduates."

"She said we're moving in here," grumbled Wayne. "So get out and get everything, Wanda."

"Y-Y-You can't just k-kick me out i-into the streets," stammered Wanda. "I-I'm pregnant and I w-would have n-nowhere to g-go..."

"Don't make me call the police ugly rat!" imitated Winda.

Later, Wanda got everything she could and walked out in tears.

Wanda was able to find an alleyway, there were mostly homeless people or drug dealers in the area.

"It's not too good," sighed Wanda. "But I have to be grateful for what I have."

Two kitsunes passed by Wanda.

"Hey, do you need a place to stay?" asked Lyra, one of the kitsunes.

"Thanks for the offer," said Wanda. "I'm completely devastated by what just happened to me, I'm not in the mood to stay at anyone's house at the moment."

"What happened? Are you okay?" asked Fury, another kitsune.

"I'll tell you since you're nice; I found out I was pregnant earlier today, my ex-boyfriend found out and wasn't happy. It turned out to be my ex-boyfriend wasn't even a good boyfriend," sighed Wanda. "Then I found it he had a fiancée, the only thing I could do was cry and leave."

"I'm so sorry," whimpered Lyra. "You're having a worser situation then we're having..."

"Um, just one question before you leave," said Wanda. "What's the cheapest hotel, motel, or apartment complex around here?"

"There's a hotel that costs only 10 dollars down the street, it's where most of the poor and homeless people go to stay," stated Fury. "Their service is, I mean, decent I guess. My only bad rating on it is the food they serve."

"I'll just stay out here," sighed Wanda.

"Be careful though," warned Lyra, she slouched closer towards Wanda's ear. "Some of the people here aren't so nice, it's especially dangerous here if you're a woman..."

Months later...

Wanda shuffled through her money.

"15 dollars," sighed Wanda. "At least that's enough to get a hot dog for the both of us." Wanda smiled and looked down towards her stomach, she settled her paw gently on it.

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