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[Faye is a stein that wants a sister for a sibling, but the new baby ends up to be a stein boy named Fran. Faye doesn't like having Fran at first, but she learns having a little brother isn't bad after all.]

Faye was three years old, she was sleeping in her toddler bed. "Are you sure Faye is going to be capable of having a little brother?" A stein named Eunice asked worried, rubbing her stomach. "I'm sure the new baby and Faye will get along." A stein named Frank smiled, painting Faye's old crib blue. [A few moments later] Frank and Eunice were talking to Faye about the new baby. "Is it going to be a girl?" Faye questioned. "I'm sorry Faye, but you're having a brother." Frank exhaled, Faye started to get upset a little. "I want a sister Mommy!" Faye whined, Eunice did a sigh and rubbed her stomach. "Well Faye, I'm afraid you have no choice... His name is going to be Fran." Eunice smiled, Frank patted Faye's head softly. [A few moments later] Faye was talking to her toys about the baby.

"If I have a little brother, he's going to mess you guys up." Faye grumbled, she just looked at her toy teddy bear. "What? Jealous? I'm not jealous, it's just that boys are worse than girls." Faye added, she then looked at her toy bunny. "We can't get rid of him, he's sleeping in Mommy's tummy." Faye stated. [A few weeks later] Frank and Eunice were at the hospital, while Faye was at her preschool. She went towards her werewolf friend named Willow, Faye wanted to talk to Willow about her new baby brother. "Willow, do you know how to deal with a baby brother? I don't think I'm ready." Faye questioned. "I can explain Faye... When my little brother named Wes was born, I didn't like him at first, but I realized he wasn't bad. We might be different, but we're still close." Willow smiled, Faye did a sigh.

"I guess you're right..." Faye sighed. [A few hours later] Faye was waiting for Frank and Eunice to come back, they then came back with smiles. "Faye, we want you to meet someone very special." Frank smiled, Eunice was carrying newborn Fran in a light blue cloth. "Faye, we want you to meet Fran... Fran, this is Faye." Eunice added, giving Fran to Faye, so she could hold him. Fran did a little smile at Faye, she did a little smile back at him. "Maybe baby brothers aren't bad after all..." Faye thought in her head. [One year later] Faye was now four, along with Fran being one, the two toddlers were looking through some of their old pictures. "This was when I was sleeping in Mommy's tummy." Faye smiled, pointing at a picture when Eunice was pregnant with Faye, Fran pointed at an ultrasound photo of Faye.

"That's me sleeping in Mommy's tummy again." Faye stated, Frank and Eunice did smiles at each other. Having Faye was a mistake, but all they were happy about was starting a family. [Two years later] Faye was doing her homework from school and Fran was playing with his toys, but they heard some screaming. "What's going on?" Faye questioned. "I don't know." Fran whimpered, they went into Frank and Eunice's room and gasped. "Frank I just want another-" Eunice was cut off by Frank. "We can't have another kid in this house." Frank grumbled. "Just leave my house..." Eunice sighed, Frank threw his bottle of wine to the ground. "YOUR HOUSE? I BOUGHT THIS THING WHEN YOU GOT PREGNANT WITH FAYE!" Frank yelled. "I WANT MY CHILDREN TO BE SAFE FROM YOU!" Eunice growled.

Frank slapped Eunice in the face hardly, Faye tried to comfort Fran who was crying. [The next day] Faye's first grade teacher that was a werewolf named Mrs. Wore noticed she was sad for some reason. "Faye, is there a problem?" Mrs. Wore asked worried, Faye looked up to her. "I don't really want to talk about it in the classroom..." Faye sighed. "All right, we can talk about it outside." Mrs. Wore smiled. [A few moments later] "Mommy and Daddy had a fight about Mommy having a baby in her tummy." Faye whimpered. "It's just adult stuff Faye." Mrs. Wore exhaled, putting her paw on Faye's shoulder. [Seven months later] "If the baby is a boy, we should name him Quinten." Fran stated. "If it's a girl, we should name her Francis." Faye added, Eunice then came along with her baby-bloated stomach.

"I have good news for you two." Eunice smiled. "What is it Mommy? Is it a girl or a boy?" Fran questioned. "The doctor said it was twins, a boy and a girl." Eunice stated, rubbing her stomach. "We should name them Francis and Quinten, Mommy." Faye added. [10 years later] Faye was 16, Fran was 13, along with Francis and Quinten being ten. "How was everyone's day at school today?" Eunice asked with a smile. "11th grade today was fine.... I guess..." Faye sighed. "Our teacher told us things we need to know about high school." Fran added. "The same thing like Fran, just middle school instead." Francis stated, Quinten was looking at a piece of paper with a mean note on it, he did an exhale. "How about you Quinten?" Eunice questioned. "It was fine..." Quinten exhaled, Faye felt like something was wrong.

[20 minutes later] Everyone was done with dinner, Faye wanted to talk with Quinten. "Is there something wrong Quinten?" Faye questioned worried. "I'm fine Faye..." Quinten grumbled. "When you say it in that tone, something's wrong." Faye sighed, Quinten started to cry a little. "I want them to stop, but they won't and they will never." Quinten whimpered. "What do you mean?" Faye asked confused. "Bullies..." Quinten stated, Faye noticed some crumbled paper on the ground. She picked it up and did a whimper, Faye looked towards her little brother. "Who wrote this?" Faye whimpered. "One of the bullies, they're right about me anyway." Quinten sighed, Faye put her hand on Quinten's back. "No, no, no Quinten..." Faye shivered, trying to comfort Quinten as much as she could.

"Faye-" Quinten was cut off by his older sister. "Quinten, you're handsome just the way you are. You don't have to change anything of what you are like in the outside nor inside..." Faye smiled. "Faye, the bullies are making me feel like I should hurt myself or hurt someone else..." Quinten whimpered. "I don't want Quinten to commit suicide..." Faye thought in her head worried. [The next day] Faye was talking to her friends, a stein named Liz and a kitsune named Lyra. "You probably should take him to a therapist." Liz suggested. "I just don't want him to hurt himself or anyone else..." Faye sighed. Meanwhile... Quinten was at his elementary school with his backpack on, until three steins named Argo, Sean, and Luke came along and pushed him. "Oops, sorry." Sean smirked, Quinten did a sigh.

"I guess you should be more careful, let's go to class boys." Argo laughed, he seemed to be the leader. Francis came along to help her twin brother, she did a worried look. "What is wrong with them?" Francis asked worried. "They just hate me in some way." Quinten sighed. [A few hours later] School was over and Quinten was waiting for his bus, but the popular boys came along. "You better not come to school tomorrow, or we'll beat you bad!" Luke imitated, pushing Quinten to the ground. [A few moments later] Quinten and Francis were back at home, but Quinten was crying for some reason. "What's wrong?" Francis questioned. "Do you have a problem with me Francis? Because those boys have a problem with me." Quinten whimpered, Francis hugged her twin brother to comfort him.

"Don't cry Quinten, they'll change one day..." Francis sighed, Quinten did a little smile. "Thank you, Faye." Quinten smiled. [The next day] Quinten and Francis were back at school, but they noticed the popular boys. "What did we say what would happen if you came to school?" Argo growled. "Leave me twin brother alone." Francis grumbled, trying to defend Quinten. "Oh look, Quinten has a girl coming to the rescue!" Sean laughed. "I'm not afraid of you anymore..." Quinten sighed. "Oh yeah? Then take this!" Luke growled, punching Quinten in the stomach, he looked up and did a growl. "DON'T PUNCH ME LIKE THAT!" Quinten yelled, punching Luke in the face and doing a chokehold on him, Quinten had become to the bully to his bullies. [10 minutes later] Faye was at school, until the principal came along.

"Faye, I need to talk to you." The principal sighed. [A few moments later] "What happened?" Faye asked worried. "Your little brother is at the hospital with your mother and siblings." The principal explained. [30 minutes later] Eunice, Faye, Fran, and Francis were looking at Quinten laying in the hospital bed. "I'm sorry, that bully just let out all of my anger and I-" Quinten was cut off by Eunice. "It's okay Quinten, we all have anger, we just don't see it in ourselves." Eunice smiled, Quinten did a little smile back.

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