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[This is a sad story about a stein named Eunice who has struggles in her life.]

Eunice was six-years old and was hiding behind a counter, she was watching her parents fight. "What is your problem?" Eunice's stein father named Mark grumbled. "My problem is your excessive drinking in front of our daughter." Eunice's stein mother named Josephine sighed. "Mommy and Daddy always fight because of me." Eunice exhaled. [10 years later] Eunice was now 16-years old, Mark was leaving the house for once. "Dad's gone..." Eunice whimpered, watching him go into his car, Eunice's stein boyfriend named Argo came along. "It'll be fine Eunice." Argo smiled, Eunice did a smile back. [The next day] Eunice was looking at a scar that Mark gave her. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" Josephine asked worried. "Yeah Mom, I'm fine." Eunice sighed in deafest, as she got her supplies for school.

[20 minutes later] Some of the popular girls were picking on Eunice. "Nice scar Eunice, someone else must hate you as much as we do." A human named Sabrina laughed, her human friends named Rebecca and Mandy laughed as well. Eunice did a whimper and looked down to the floor, Argo came along and held Eunice's hand. "Just ignore them Eunice, they'll change one day." Argo sighed, Eunice did a little smile. [A few hours later] Eunice was back at home, she was looking at some note that said "Ugly!". Eunice looked at a picture of her and her parents, she began to cry a little, Josephine came along. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Josephine questioned. "Have you ever been left out or bullied because of your looks?" Eunice asked, starting to cry even more. "Eunice, you're fine just the way you are." Josephine smiled.

"Thanks Mom..." Eunice chuckled, hugging her. [Three years later] Eunice actually grew up to have some friends, a kitsune named Lyra and a werewolf named Wendy, they were at some bar with Argo. "This is so romantic Argo, I don't know what to say..." Eunice sighed, Argo held Eunice's hand. "You're so beautiful to me." Argo smiled. [10 minutes later] Eunice was at Argo's apartment, they were watching a horror movie together. A scary part came along, Eunice did a gasp and hugged Argo, he did a smile at her. "I'm always here for you honey." Argo chuckled, him and Eunice kissed each other, leading to hugging. [One week later] "I've been feeling sick, I don't know why." Eunice whimpered. "I don't think Argo got you pregnant, do you?" Wendy stated. "You should go to the doctor." Lyra sighed.

[Three weeks later] "I'm assuming this wasn't a planned pregnancy." The doctor that was a stein named Dr. Klondike exhaled, Eunice did a nod. "I'm only 19, I can't have this baby." Eunice whimpered. "It'll be fine Eunice." Dr. Klondike smiled. [The next day] "Argo... This baby is me and you, I'm not getting an abortion." Eunice sighed, Argo held Eunice's hand. "We're going to start a perfect family, we could get a toy for him or her." Argo laughed, putting his hand on Eunice's stomach. [35 weeks and six days later] Eunice and Lyra were shopping for clothes. "It'll take two of them to fit me." Eunice exhaled, putting her hand on her baby-bloated overalls and white shirt with light blue stripes. "Aww, but you're having a baby... Let me try it on." Lyra smiled, her and Eunice noticed Argo with some stein girl named Liz.

Eunice and Lyra dropped their jaws. "This is really, really going to hurt..." Argo whimpered, Eunice walked out of the store. [A few moments later] Argo and the girls were outside. "Who's this other girl Argo?" Liz asked in anger. "Put the dresses back or I'm calling the police." The store owner of the shop growled, Lyra and Liz went back inside. "Cheating on me Argo? We were going to start a family..." Eunice whimpered. "I love Liz more than you Eunice..." Argo sighed. "Why didn't you tell me?" Eunice asked. "I had a selfish phase..." Argo added, Eunice cried and walked away as Lyra and Liz came along to beat Argo. [A few moments later] Eunice's womb began to tighten a little, she did a gasp and put her hand on her stomach. "Please, I'm in labor!" Eunice yelped, watching taxis pass by, one taxi stopped as Eunice zoomed inside. [A few moments later]

"Where to?" The driver that was a stein named Frank asked. "Haversack Hospital, I'm in labor." Eunice whimpered, clutching her stomach a little. "Oh man!" Frank shivered, starting to drive as fast as he could. [A few moments later] Eunice did a sudden scream. "AH! MY WATER JUST BROKE!" Eunice screamed. "CAN'T YOU SEE I HAVE AN EMERGENCY?!" Frank yelled at some construction workers. "You have to use the route." One construction worker sighed, Frank zoomed through the construction site, trying not to crash into anything. [A few moments later] Frank and Eunice were finally at the hospital, Eunice began to hit Frank. "My kid is probably going to be brain damaged because of you!" Eunice yelled, but she put her hand on her stomach in pain, walking into the hospital.

[A few moments later] Frank and Eunice were at the check-in desk. "I'm in labor, this is my first baby and I don't really know what to do, please just do anything to help me..." Eunice begged, she was placed onto a wheelchair. "Put these clothes on for the delivery." A doctor stated. "But I'm not the father-" Frank dropped. [A few moments later] Eunice was laying on the hospital bed. "Another contraction is coming..." Eunice whimpered, putting her hands on her stomach, as the baby's heartbeats were going through some monitor. "Water break?" A doctor named Dr. Ross asked. "Half an hour ago." Frank stated, Dr. Klondike came along with a shot that would slow Eunice's contractions down, he put it through Eunice's arm. "Thank you." Eunice sighed in relief. [A few moments later] Eunice was trying her best to push.

"Deep breaths, good girl." Dr. Klondike sighed, Dr. Ross and Frank were holding Eunice's hand as Eunice squeezed. [A few moments later] Dr. Klondike was carrying a newborn baby in his arms. "It's a girl." Dr. Klondike smiled, cutting it's cord. Eunice did a sigh in relief, but she did a sudden scream. "There's another one, deep breaths Eunice." Dr. Ross whimpered, Eunice then did a sigh in relief, feeling the other baby fully out of her body. [A few moments later] Eunice was smiling, holding her newborn twins, Frank did a sympathetic smile. "So you two are the ones who've been kicking me." Eunice sighed in relief. "What are you going to name them?" Dr. Klondike asked. "Fran and Francis." Eunice stated. "I'm happy for you Eunice, they both look exactly like you." Frank smiled joyfully.

[The next day] Eunice was watching Fran and Francis sleeping in the nursery, she looked at a couple of fathers taking pictures. "Look at those daddies taking picture of their babies, I'm afraid you two aren't going to meet your dad here..." Eunice whimpered. [Six days later] Fran and Francis were in some carriers, Eunice had noticed Frank. "Oh, it's you..." Eunice sighed. "I just wanted to see the twins." Frank chuckled. "I would pay you, but someone stole my purse at the hospital..." Eunice exhaled, Frank gave Eunice a purse. "You left it in the cab..." Frank stated. "Thank you..." Eunice smiled, Frank looked at the twins. "Nine months trying to get out, then you try to get back in for the rest of your life." Frank laughed, the twins did some little chuckles. [Three years later] Frank and Eunice got married.

Frank suddenly got a knock on the door, it was Argo. "Where are the twins?" Argo questioned. "Who are you and what do you want?" Frank asked concerned. "I want to see my children, I'm the real father." Argo grumbled. "What's their birthday then?" Frank growled. "How am I supposed to know?" Argo murmured. "July 3rd." Frank sighed, slamming the door on Argo. [A few moments later] Frank and Eunice were talking about Argo. "Argo's my ex-boyfriend from three years ago, I found out he was cheating me the day the twins were born..." Eunice sighed, Frank did a grumble and went outside the door. "What happened?" Francis asked worried. "Daddy left Mommy all alone." Fran whimpered. [One hour later] Frank was driving on the highway, it was very dark and was raining very hard.

"I shouldn't have left her..." Frank mumbled to himself, not noticing a car was stopped. He did a scream and slammed the brakes, but it was too late. Meanwhile... Eunice was making the twins their dinner. "I don't like vegetables..." Francis whined. "I'm sorry sweetheart, they're good for you." Eunice exhaled, but she suddenly got a call from a police officer. Eunice dropped the phone, she then began to cry. [The next day] "Your husband is in critical condition. We could do brain surgery, but it's too risky. Also, I'm afraid we don't let children 12 or under into the ER room." The doctor sighed. [A few moments later] Fran and Francis were placed into a playpen. [The next day] Frank had opened his eyes and was able to walk. "I'm really sorry about Tuesday...." Frank whimpered in guilt.

"It's okay honey." Eunice smiled.

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