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[Eunice that is a stein is a new student at Haversack Middle School, but she's not very nice and kind towards some students for some reason.]

The teacher that was a werewolf named Mrs. Wore was introducing Eunice to her class. "Class, this is Eunice, I want you all to treat her well and make her welcome." Mrs. Wore smiled, patting Eunice's shoulder gently. Eunice did a nervous smile in front of her class, her classmates did smiles and greeted her. [10 minutes later] Mrs. Wore was doing a lesson, a werewolf named Wanda noticed Eunice was sad from some reason. Eunice did an annoyed grumble at Wanda, she did a glare at her. "What are you looking at?" Eunice whispered in annoyance, Wanda did a sigh and went back to her work. [30 minutes later] Eunice was at her locker, until she noticed a werewolf named Wenda about to paw by. Eunice did a snicker and put her foot out in the hall, Wenda tripped over Eunice and plopped down to the floor.

Her books and paper fell out of her paws, most of the students began to laugh. "Why would you do that?" Wenda whimpered. "I guess you should be more careful, or maybe get some glasses." Eunice smirked, Wanda did a sigh and shook her head in disappointment. "Something's up with the new kid." Wanda sighed towards another werewolf named Wayne. "She could be depressed by something that happened in the past, so she's mean to people to make her feel better." Wayne added. [A few hours later] Eunice did a sigh in front of her home which was a trailer, Eunice's stein father named Mark looked at her in anger. "Why are you late young lady?" Mark asked angrily. "Sorry Dad, the bus broke down so we had to walk..." Eunice whimpered. "Get me something to eat." Mark grumbled in impatience.

[A few moments later] Eunice had cooked an egg for Mark. "An egg??" Mark asked in anger. "It was all that was left in the fridge." Eunice shivered, Mark grabbed the plate and slammed it to the ground, as it cracked to pieces. "You better go to the store this instant to get better food." Mark imitated. "I'm not old enough Dad..." Eunice whimpered, Mark grabbed Eunice's arm as she began to cry. "Aww, are you going to cry? That's too bad." Mark laughed, he began to beat Eunice even worse. [A few hours later] Eunice was shivering and was holding a teddy bear, she had cuts and bruises all over her. "I pick on others because I was picked on in the past..." Eunice shivered, her stein mother named Josephine died from childbirth, so Mark blamed her for it. [A few months ago] Eunice did a sigh in front of her middle school, she walked inside.

"I don't think those girls are here to pick on me..." Eunice whispered to herself, but she noticed two human girls named Rebecca and Sabrina coming along, she ran to the bathroom to hide. "I think I saw stitch-face go into the bathroom." Rebecca smirked. [A few moments later] Rebecca and Sabrina were both banging on the door on the stall that Eunice was hiding in. "We know you're in here stitch-face." Sabrina laughed. "Maybe if I change my personality, they won't bully me anymore." Eunice thought. [The next day] A stein named Eunuch was waiting for Eunice to greet her, but she passed by her and did a grumble. "Eunice is never like that..." Eunuch dropped, Rebecca and Sabrina walked to Eunice. "We liked your attitude there Eunice, would you like to hang out with us?" Rebecca asked. "Sure." Eunice smiled.

After a month, Mark decided to move into a trailer, forcing Eunice to move schools. [Back to present time] Eunice did a sigh, the only time she saw her mother was when she was a newborn. [The next day] Wanda went into the bathroom, but she heard sniffling in a stall. "Someone's crying..." Wanda whimpered, she noticed the crying was coming from the middle stall. "If there's a problem you can come out..." Wanda sighed. The stall opened as Wanda did a gasp, Eunice had one of her sleeves opened and had a large scar on her arm. [A few moments later] "What happened?" The nurse asked. "She tried to commit suicide in the bathroom." Wanda stated. "I'm sorry, I guess I got overwhelmed with what I'm dealing with right now." Eunice whimpered, the nurse put a bandage on Eunice's arm.

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