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[A struggling werewolf mother named Wanda abandons her kids at a park.]

Wanda was about 38 weeks pregnant, it was unplanned and unexpected. "I can't have these twins Mom..." Wanda whimpered, putting her paw on her stomach, Wanda's werewolf mom named Willa did a sigh. "Wanda sweetie... I know it's been tough since Wayne left, but these twins are your future." Willa sighed. [Two weeks later] Wanda was in the delivery room, the doctors and nurse were delivery for the twins. "The first werewolf pup is crowning, it'll be out with tin the next 10 to 20 minutes." A doctor informed to Willa and Wanda's dad named Wilson. [10 minutes later] The first werewolf pup was born, Wanda was still trying her best to push the second one out. "I see the head, just one more push." The nurse stated, Wanda did a push, the nurse then did a little and joyful smile at Wanda.

[One week later] Wanda was feeding her twin werewolf pups named Wilbur and Wanye their milk. "I'm afraid you're not going to meet your father, because he decided to leave me." Wanda whimpered. [A few hours later] Wanda was asleep, until she heard crying on the puppy monitor. [A few moments later] Wanda was feeding Wilbur and Wanye again. "Mommy's here." Wanda smiled. [One year later] Wanda was starting to get really tired of being a single mother, she would hang out with her friends more. "The twins were crying for the whole night." Wanda sighed to her friends named Wenda and Winda, they both were werewolves. "You should get an abortion or abandon them." Winda suggested. "I guess you're right." Wanda smirked. [The next day] Wanda put Wilbur and Wanye in some basket.

She then put a light blue blanket and some toys in it as well, Wanda wrote the twins' names and birthday on a note and put it inside. [A few moments later] Wanda was at some park, she was looking for a place for the basket. "I think this tree is a good spot." Wanda whispered to herself, hoping nobody would notice and placed the basket down. [10 minutes later] Wilbur and Wanye began to cry, they wanted Wanda. A couple of steins named Frank and Eunice were at the park, they heard some crying. "That sounds like an abandoned baby!" Frank whimpered, him and Eunice had noticed Wilbur and Wanye. [A few moments later] "Where are your parents?" Eunice asked worried. "A struggling and suicidal single parent must have abandoned them." Frank stated, they noticed a piece of paper.

"Wilbur and Wanye, born 10/05/2009... That must be their birthday." Eunice added. "We should go to the police." Frank suggested. [A few moments later] "We found them abandoned at the park, a struggling single parent must have abandoned them." Eunice stated. "We'll have to do a DNA test and see who's the mother and father." The officer that was a werewolf named Officer Will sighed. [The next day] Wayne was reading his newspaper, until he got a knock from the police. "We have two missing kids with you and Wanda Wolfer's DNA in it." Officer Will informed. "I left her when I found out she got pregnant, she must have abandoned them." Wayne sighed. [20 minutes later] Wanda was placed into handcuffs. "I was just a struggling single mother of two pup-" Wanda was cut off by Officer Will.

"You put these one-year old twins in danger." Officer Will growled, Wilbur and Wanye were going to live with Wayne from now on.

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