92: Stray Kids: Jisung :) Pt.2

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All six boys were anxiously awaiting for Felix to give them the okay. Jisung was still laid on his bed, face down. He wasn't crying though, he was just breathing. Struggling to breathe.

Felix was running his hands through the boy's hair, calming him down ever so slowly. He felt guilty that he always told Jisung that his relationship was going to be bad. He didn't say it directly, but Jisung knew everyone hated it. Besides Jeongin and Minho, they just wanted Jisung to be happy and they supported him every step of the way.

"Felix?" The brunette croaked.

"Yes, honey?"

"I need Minho."

"I'll go get him then. Be right back."

"Wait, what?" Jisung was confused. He didn't know the boys were sitting in his living room, hearing his depressing rant.

"They're all here, Sungie. They came to support you," Felix says in a quiet, gentle voice.

Hearing that just made his throat clog again. He could've believe his friends were here. Even the ones who judged him greatly for his decision.

"I'll go get Minho now."



"Thank you. For being here."

"You're my brother by love. Always, Sung."

Felix walked out of the room, sending in Minho by himself. The elder creeped into the room, knocking on the door to make sure Jisung was still okay with him coming in.

The younger sat up, his hair sticking in different directions. His blankets fell off of him, but he didn't pay mind to that. His sore, puffy, and red eyes made contact with Minho's.

He asked for Minho because he felt the deepest connection with him. The way he could comfort him was unlike the other boys. It was ethereal. It was so comforting that Jisung almost fell for him, almost. But he was just his best friend. Friends with benefits before his ex. He should've just kept it as ex of three times. Now it was four.

"Please hold me," he muttered in a small voice, a tear already falling down his cheek and staining it a light shade of red.

Minho didn't hesitate to rush forward, scooping his friend into his arms. Jisung couldn't help but begin to sob again.

"Let it out, baby," Minho soothed, kissing the side of his head and nuzzling it.

"I tried, Min. I tried so hard. Sometimes I believe I feel too much instead of think."

"I know you did. You're going to get through it though. You are. I will be with you the entire time. There is going to be someone in the future that cherishes you how you need to be cherished. You did the right thing, lovely. You gave him so many chances. You tried so many fucking times. You finally got sick of his lies, manipulations, and bullshit. It's time you got better. So cry as long as you need to, but after that, never waste your tears on him again, you hear me? You don't have to forget him. You just have to work to get over him."

Jisung nods, already settling down. No more tears, Jisung. He isn't worth it. Minho is right.

"It's okay to stay in for a few days, Ji. It's okay to disappear for a bit until you feel okay again. Heartbreak sucks, especially when you do it for yourself. You needed this and god, I am so proud of you. You are so fucking strong."

"Thank you," he responds, hugging Minho tighter. "You guys make me so happy. You make me so happy. I don't know where I'd be without you."

"I love you, Ji. We all love you. You hold us together, sweetheart. We wouldn't be together if it wasn't for you."

"I love you, too. All of you. I-I think I'm gonna be okay, Min. I know I am. As long as I have you guys. You guys are my family."

"Always and forever, sunshine."

Jisung hums, now just resting his head on the elder's shoulder. They rock back and forth, the brunette already feeling 87% better.

"Would you like some water or something to eat? It's been hours since lunch."

"No, I'm okay. I think I'd like to see the rest of the guys. I'm... okay. I just want to see them."


"Wait wait, just... stay here another minute. It's nice. You make me feel better. No offense to the others, but you're great at comforting."

"Really? The others don't seem to think so."

"Well I'm not crying anymore, am I?"

"I'm happy that I'm able to help you, Ji."

"Me too."

They sit there awhile before Jisung slowly pulls away, glancing down at his lap. Minho hooks his finger under Jisung's chin, forcing him to look at him.

"Let's go see the others now," the elder smiles, watching a small, heartwarming smile grow on Jisung's face.

"Let's go."

You guys are my universe•

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