33: Stray Kids: Minsung

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Jisung walks into the practice room, his nose a bit stuffy. It had just begun to snow and it was getting extremely cold outside. The others are talking to each other while he stretched, feeling a bit tired.

Actually, he had woken up feeling awful, but that wasn't going to stop him from practicing. It was just a little cold. Even though his limbs felt like bricks, and his throat felt like he had swallowed a bunch of nails.

They went over the Double Knot dance, trying to correct any mistakes. It was when it hit the second verse that Jisung felt a bit dizzy. He had stumbled over his feet and ended up falling into Seungmin while moving to his spot.

"Whoa, are you okay?" The younger questions, feeling how heavy Jisung was in his arms and seeing his hyung's tired state.

Everyone had looked over to see what happened because you can't exactly stop in the middle without being noticed.

"Yeah, sorry. J-just tired," he sniffs, wincing when he coughed in his mask. His body was sweating, more like overheating, and he was trembling.

"Are you sick, Jisung-ah?" Chan questions, huffing and putting the back of his hand to his forehead.

"Yeah, but it's just a little cold. I'm fine, really. I just got dizzy," he tries to explain, wanting to practice but not sure if his body could handle it.

"Minho, take Jisung back to the dorms," Chan orders, not taking any risks to have Jisung trip again and end up hurting himself or someone else.


"I don't want you getting hurt. Or someone else hurt. Especially by the way you fell into Seungmin," Chris calmly explains, wanting his younger brother to get better.

"Come on, Jisungie, I'll make you some soup," Minho says with a smile, sweat dripping down his forehead as he picks up both his and Jisung's bags.

"Okay. See you guys at home," Jisung finally agrees, walking behind Minho.

"Babe, why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Minho questions once they were out of earshot of the others.

"Because I'm fine. It's not that bad. Eh... it wasn't that bad this earlier," Jisung groans, his eyes closing while they were still walking.

Minho takes Jisung's arm in his, leading him to the elevator. It doesn't take long before they reach the dorms. By then, Jisung felt like he was either going to pass out or throw up.

"And to bed, we go," the older says, kissing his boyfriend's forehead before lying him on his bed.

Jisung coughs out, sniffing roughly, "thanks."

"Baby, tell me when you're not feeling well. You could've seriously hurt yourself or Seungmin by falling like that. I don't want to see any of you hurt, okay? So don't try to force yourself to practice."

"Okay mom, sheesh. The one time you go to practice and fall into someone," Jisung giggles.

"I'll go make you some soup. Go to sleep. And off your shoes, ya nasty."

•How was this?
I woke up with a cold and I seriously feel like dying. I hate being sick•

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