43: Stray Kids: Minsung

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I watched from the bleachers as Minho bent his knees slightly, his elbows raised high as he gripped his wooden bat. There was small chatter around me, but I wasn't paying attention to that.

Right now, the score was 10-9, us. The boys had seemed really tired today, but they were just barely making it.

The pitcher lifted his left leg, taking a step forward before sending the ball into flight. Minho's bat cracked against it as he sent it over. He'd hit a double.

He ran, throwing his bat to the side as he picked up his feet. He easily made it past first base while the other team scrambled to pick up the ball.

I saw the ball being picked up, but Minho jumped and slid into the base. The left fielder had already thrown the ball, aiming it towards the second baseman.

I stood up suddenly, seeing that the baseman had completely missed the ball and instead, the ball went straight into Minho's face. I saw Minho lay down with one of his knees set up so he wasn't lying completely down, holding his face.

The other teammate crouched next to him, but no one could hear what he was saying. All I saw was Minho nod his head and stand up with the help from the baseman.

Minho walked back to the dugout, getting asked by Chan if he was alright.

"I'm fine hyung, please give me ice. This thing hurts like a bitch."

I made my way down the steps and waved my hand on the side of the dugout, hopefully catching Minho's attention. It worked, as I saw him look over with a piece of frozen steak being held on his face.

"You okay?" I laugh, "looking a little raw."

"Haha, very funny. You try getting hit in the face with a baseball. I'm fine though. It'll swell and bruise, though. Thanks for caring, babe," he says sarcastically.

"Anytime," I winked and shot finger guns, laughing when he looks unamused. "Okay, go sit down. Do you need anything? Gatorade?"

"Yes, a gaytorade and a kiss, please," he says, shoving his lips out only for me to kiss.

"Mwah. Stay here, I'll go grab one."

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