67: Ateez: Yungi

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Mingi plugged in his completely dead phone to his charger, annoyed that it had died. He sat comfortably on the couch by himself, watching another comedy movie because Yunho had been working.

Outside, a storm had come on, darkening the sky with it's grey clouds. Mingi didn't particularly mind storms. Only when they cut off the power. Then it was heart stopping.

Mingi had nyctophobia; the fear of darkness. A lot people of people do have a fear of the dark, but his phobia was severe. It would always send him in a panic to find a source of light.

Once, Yunho shut the lights off on him while he was in the shower. He meant it to be a light-hearted joke, he hadn't known of his fear.

That was an awful night for Mingi.

Mingi always got the slight prick of nervousness when storms came along, but tried to think nothing of it.

It was only until the lights began to flicker, in which he began to panic. He jumped up, noticing how the tv had shut itself off.

He ran to the kitchen, rustling through the drawers to find his emergency flashlight. But for some odd reason, it wasn't where it was.

"Oh no, no no no no," he panicked, frantically shoving around items in different drawers.

He then remembered his phone, but his heart ached when he knew it wasn't even at five percent. He bit his tongue, jogging to their room and searching the drawers there. But there was nothing.

Another strike of lightning hit, the lights flickering off for three seconds before popping back on. Those few seconds of complete darkness were enough to send Mingi to the floor while covering his head. His breaths were quick, trying to savor the last bit of light.

"Please please please stay on, oh please stay on," he begged, already trembling.

To no avail, the lights shut off completely. Mingi shouted curse words, closing his eyes. His breathing picked up as words spewed from his mouth. He stumbled as he stood up with his eyes closed. He ran as best as he could through his house, opening the door and throwing himself out.

Unexpectedly, he hit something soft and fell to the ground, hearing a defeated groan. Opening his eyes, he was met with Yunho's scrunched face.

"O-oh god, sorry! I'm so sorry!" He whimpers, scrambling to get off of the boy.

"Baby, baby, Mingi," Yunho hurriedly says, grasping the still panicking boy's arm. "Hey, breath baby, you're safe, you're okay."

Yunho pulls the younger into his arms, brushing his hair and not mentioning that they were both getting soaked with mud and rain.

How was this?•

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