38: Stray Kids: Minsung

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"Hyung, can I speak to you for a moment?" Jisung questions, everyone else caught up in their own games to listen to what the two were talking about.

"In private?" Minho questions, not really suspecting anything until he noticed the slightly worried expression his friend wore.

"Please," Jisung nods, standing up and having the older follow him into a different room.

The room wasn't his room, but more of a lounge away from the chaos in the commons. He sat down on the couch, picking up a pillow and holding it in his lap while he picked at the material.

"Are you okay, Sungie?" The elder questions, worried for his younger friend.

"I... ah, I don't know. I just... I need to ask you a question. It's really important. It's been on my mind for awhile now," the orange-haired boy responds, avoiding eye contact as his ears continued to grow red with nervousness and embarrassment.

"Ask away, then."

The two sat in silence while Jisung tried to think of how to word it. Minho's worry grew as the younger continued to not speak. He decided to set a reassuring hand on his shoulder, rubbing his gently.

"Whatever it is, you can ask me. You're my best friend, I'm here-"

"Minho-hyung, how do you feel about me?" Jisung shot out, covering his face with his hand.

It took a minute for Minho to think about what the younger asked. What does he mean?

"How am I supposed to feel about you?" The brunette answers with another question. "Is this a joke or something?" He asks, looking around for cameras.

"Hyung, I'm being serious. How do you feel about me? Do you..." the words stuck in Jisung's throat and anxiety began to hit him harshly, "do you like me?"

"Well of course-"

"You know how I mean, Minho. Do you love me like that? I just need to know, so please answer honestly."

The tension in the room began to grow as neither spoke a word. Minho's thoughts were racing while Jisung's heart was shaking. He should've had Chris do it. He's done it before for the others. Why does he have to be so reckless?

"I-I do. I do love you, Jisung."

Those words cut Jisung's thoughts off as his mind suddenly went black.


"I love you, Jisung. Like that. More than friends."

"Oh thank the fucking chicken gods," the younger exclaims, sighing out and letting the pillow he was holding fall to the ground. "I really thought you were going to say no."

The sudden relief of anxiety filled Jisung's heart with happiness, thus making tears grow in his eyes. He held his head in his hands while trying to breathe through the emotions.

"Jisungie, don't cry," the older said, moving forward and removing Jisung's hands only to put his own on his face. He gently cupped the younger's cheeks, wiping away the stray tears with his thumb pads. "So I assume all this was another way of telling me your feelings as well?"

"Yes," he laughs, blushing at the skin contact.

"You're so cute," Minho laughs, kissing Jisung's forehead and pulling him into a hug. "I honestly wasn't sure how long I would be able to keep my feelings to myself. You're so brave to tell me. Thank you for telling me."

•How was this?•

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