111: Stray Kids: Binsung

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Jisung stands in the kitchen, uselessly. The silence was overwhelming as he glanced at the bread, holding his own arm. He was cold, dumbly wearing a sweatshirt over nothing but his boxers.

He was waiting for Changbin to get back to the apartment, work selfishly keeping him away. It was about eleven at night, the older going to be home in about ten minutes.

The brunette hears a meow at his feet, so he glances down to see Poco. A soft smile reaches his cheeks, and he sits on the floor before pulling him into his lap.

Maybe Changbin will be hungry...

"Hold on, baby," he pats the kitten's head, lifting him off of his lap and standing up.

He looked in the fridge, his eyes lighting up when he saw some sliced turkey. A sandwich. He grabbed out the mustard and mayonnaise, getting a butter knife to evenly lay it out on the bread. After that, he laid down the meat, it perfectly aligning with the bread.

"Poco, do you think Binnie will like the sandwich?" He picks up the cat, looking him in the eyes. "What if he doesn't like mustard? What if he's not hungry? He'll be too tired to eat, huh? What do I do with it?"

He then heard the small beeps of the apartment door opening, happy panic flooding through him. He cuddles Poco in his arms as he went to greet his lover.

"Hey Jisungie, I thought you would've been in bed by now," Changbin smiles lightly, kissing Jisung's cheek. "Hi Poco." He kisses Poco's head. He just meows back.

"Are you tired?" Jisung asks, setting the cat down and letting him run off to his own bed.

"Yeah, but I'm kind of hungry." The elder stretched, popping his sore shoulders.

"I made you a sandwich..." Jisung mutters, his eyes immediately dropping to the floor. He shyly rubs his arm, staring at the piece of white dust by his sock.

"Is something wrong?" Changbin puts his fingers under the brunette's chin, lifting his head slowly so they'd make eye contact.

He shakes his head, "no. Missed you."

The elder smiles, "I missed you, too, squish. Are you hungry too? Did you make yourself something?"

"I ate earlier." Jisung grabs his boyfriend's hand, leading him into the kitchen and pointing to the sandwich. "There."

"Thank you, baby." He earns another kiss, flustering him to curl his body together.


And they sit at their small, two person table. Changbin eats his sandwich. Jisung glances at him a few times, taking in his pretty features.

Changbin looked at his love, the fact that Jisung didn't talk much popping into his thoughts. He didn't want to point it out; he didn't mind it, and it would probably seem like he was insulting him. He knew how Jisung was. So he kept his mouth shut, happy with just the way his baby was.

"Alright," he breathes out, carrying his plate to the sink. "Let's go to bed, squish."

Jisung bounces up, happy to finally get some sleep while holding onto his favorite person in the entire world.

How was this?•

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