121: Stray Kids: All In

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"Ah! Dammit!" Chan holds his chest, breathing heavily as Jisung holds his stomach from laughing.

He had been hiding behind the elder's door, waiting in the dark to pounce. Once the light was on, he grabbed Chan's arm and screamed in his face, scaring the shit out of him.

They all had just finished watching a horror movie, setting most of them on edge. This always happened; a scare war after a movie.

But this was just the start of tonight's.

All throughout the night, enemies were being made, allies coming up with plans, and Minho just trying to sleep. Oh boy, when it messed with Minho's sleep, you better run for cover.

"Ya!" Changbin yells, bringing up his fists when Felix pops out from behind the dining table. The lights had been turned off, no one daring turn them on. If a light was on, you'd be attacked just like that.

Seungmin threw a plushie at Jeongin which scared Hyunjin into hitting his head on the floor when he fell. Chan scared Changbin. Changbin scared Jeongin. Jeongin scared Jisung. Jisung scared Chan, again. And it went on. Ten minutes went by, the scares becoming lame.

"Alright guys, another movie? We have tomorrow off and it's not even midnight."

"I'm up for it!" Jeongin bounces, jumping onto the couch after forcing Hyunjin to go make popcorn.

"Another horror?"

They all nodded.

Meanwhile in Minho's room, he was struggling to sleep. He didn't mind horror movies until the other got out of control. He was slightly ticked off, and that was enough for him to gather thoughts of revenge.

With all the lights off - and kids that were easily scared - it wouldn't be hard. Nonetheless, Minho strives to make it the scariest thing yet. He almost wanted to thank Changbin for buying the speaker for the kitchen.

Minho did what he had to do. He wiggled on the floor, creeping by the others who were focused on the screen. He turned it on, muffling the noise with his bundle of clothing. He turned the volume to medium so it wouldn't be too loud and hid the speaker in a cabinet.

Wiggling back to his room, he searched up scary banging noises. It for sure would scare them. Before playing it, he searched for something scary to use to physically scare the boys. He wasn't just going to use a dumb sound.

After settling in his bed, he turned on his side and pressed play, listening to the dark banging come from the kitchen. He heard the others pause the movie, so he paused the sound.

Footsteps came down the hall, opening his bedroom door and turning on the light.

"Minho hyung, are you okay?"

No response. He was fast asleep.

"Hyung," Changbin whispers, shaking him lightly.

He groaned, pretending to be pissed off, "what?"

"Were you making banging noises?"

"Does it look like I was making banging noises?" He glared at each of the seven guys piled into his room, none of them wanting to be left alone in the living room.

"Right... sorry. Sleep well."

Minho waved them off, waiting until the he heard the door click shut. He played it again after five minutes, listening to the voices whisper in fright.

Back out in the living room, the movie was paused, everyone frozen.

"Where the hell is that coming from?" Seungmin whispered, holding Felix tightly. Man, would Felix have enjoyed that if he wasn't terrified.

"I think from the kitchen."

"I'm not going first."

"Neither am I."

They all looked at Chan, making him roll his eyes and stand up. "It's nothing guys. Changbin, come with me."


"Changbin," he growled, only giving the younger a look until he stood as well.

"Wait, I'll go!" Jisung yells, jumping up from the couch. "It's probably nothing, like Chan said. And all you gotta do is be a bad bitch!"

And he runs into the kitchen before anyone can stop him, slamming his hand on the light switch. That's when Minho plays a low, growling sound.

Chan runs in, watching as Jisung freezes while staring behind the curtain. "Okay, it didn't work. There's nothing here. Goodbye. I'm going to sleep with Minho. Bye."

And he wasn't exactly being quiet, so Minho got up and stood behind his bunk bed in the shadows. Jisung came in and flipped on the lights, color draining from his face when he noticed his friend wasn't there.



And he let out the loudest, most disruptive scream he could. Minho was disappointed it wasn't all seven, but taking down one was just the start. This would have to continue over the course of a month.

Revenge comes slow, but with satisfaction.

How was this?
Written badly, but I liked the beginning of it, so I tried my best with not making it too long. I just got a lil lazy•

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