12: Truth

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Lunch couldn’t have been shorter for Cora. The four ate and talked about MinHee and Jackson’s trip to China, about the recent details that had been in the news, and their plans for the rest of the day. Afterwards, they all climbed back into the car and drove to GOT7’s dorm. Cora was fully prepared to just dump the two boys off and then drive on, but MinHee got out of the car and followed them towards the building.


She sighed, cut the engine, and then started towards the building herself. The four piled into the elevator with Jackson’s bags, and all were silent until they reached dorm floor. When the doors opened, Mark was the first one out, followed by Jackson and MinHee, and Cora hesitantly followed.


Mark opened the door, and immediately the other band members were on the group, all shouting welcome homes. “It’s good to be back.” Jackson said, smiling and giving a poor excuse for a hug to each of his band members.


Yugyeom moved to Cora’s side and pulled her into a hug. “So noona-”


“Don’t start with me, Yugyeom. I’m so not in the mood.” She said, hugging him back.


He nodded. “Call me when you are.” He said, pulling away, winking, and moving across the room.


Cora moved towards the farthest corner of the room and waited there for MinHee, not wanting to be questioned.

MinHee helped Jackson carry his bags to his room, but he ushered her out, telling her not to worry about it, to sit down and just relax, because he had it handled. So she turned and started out towards the living room.


Bambam was standing just before the door, and MinHee immediately smiled at him. “Bambam! I haven’t seen you in forever!” She said, moving towards him.

They shared an awkward hug, and Bambam simply nodded. “Yeah, it’s been a while.” He said, moving past her and towards his room. What the hell? She and Bambam had been so close before. Had she done something wrong?


It really had been a while since she’d seen him, or talked to him. He’d grown. Quite a lot, actually, and somehow, almost overnight, he became… older? Something about him was seriously different, and not just his height and hair color.


“He’s been lonely.” Jr. offered quickly from the living room. MinHee turned towards him and lifted an eyebrow in confusion. “You haven’t called or text him in months, and the last time you guys talked, you brushed him off to hurry to Jackson.” He shrugged. “I think he just feels like he deserves more of your attention than he’s been getting.”


MinHee gasped. “I didn’t mean-”


Cora, who had been leaning against the wall on her phone, butted in. “Minnie, Reina said we need to get home. Like now.” She sighed, shoving her phone into her pocket. The door to Jackson and Mark’s room opened and Jackson walked out, moving to stand behind MinHee with his arms around her waist and head on her shoulder. “She said that some kid named Aiden stopped by with Jinwoo, and they were looking for you.”

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