52: Busy

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Cora sat on the floor on the far side of the rehearsal room. She had one leg stretched out in front of her and the other bent knee up. She had pressed her chest against her raised leg and rested her chin on that knee, staring at the six boys who sat in front of her.

"So," Kai started, running a hand through his hair. "You need us to help you choreograph a cover?"

Cora nodded. "And you need us here as back up dancers when you five record it?" J-Hope asked, and she nodded again. "Alright."

"What's the song?" Xiumin asked, sitting across from Cora and wrapping his arms around his legs.

Cora shrugged her shoulders. "Bang bang bang."

"Really?" Jungkook asked. "You're having problems choreographing a Big Bang song?"

Cora nodded, shooting a glare in his direction. "I am because I constantly overthink how the beat meshes with the dance. Not everyone can be a Big Bang perfect fanboy like you, Jungkook." He laughed at this, and Cora shook her head. "You don't have to help, it's just... we're a little stuck."

Lay shook his head. "Of course we'll help."

"Us too," Jimin said, smiling.

Cora smiled. "Alright then. Let's get started." But there was a knock on the door of the rehearsal room. Cora's eyes widened and she moved to her feet. "Who could that be?" She asked out loud, and everyone shrugged.

She walked across the room and opened the door. No one stood before her, but when she looked down, containers with a clear lid sat on the floor. Tteokbokki, hoppang, tteok and yakuruto stared back at her. A note was taped to the top of the containers. She stooped and picked it up.


I figured you were in for a rough day, and wanted to make it a little better. There's a Yulmu tea waiting at the apartment. See you tonight?


MinHee stood silently in the parlor of the warehouse apartment Jinwoo claimed to be hers. It was enormous and all the rooms were practically one, aside from the bathroom. There were stairs that led up to where the bedroom was, almost like a loft. It was already furnished with furniture Jinwoo claimed MinHee had approved of. Her loft was on the top floor, the second floor, of the converted warehouse, and had glass panels on the roof, letting much of the summer sun into the room.

"Are you going to come in and look around?" He asked, gesturing around the room.

MinHee shook her head. "No." She said, biting her lip. "It feels weird."


"Not real." She clarified.

He nodded. "I understand. Well... not really but... you know what I mean," He said, laughing shyly. "But I understand how it can feel weird. And Im sorry. You must feel so lost." MinHee nodded and he moved towards her, placing his hands on her shoulders and stooping so he could look at her. "Listen, I'm here for you."

MinHee looked up at him and smiled. "I know you are," She said, leaning forward and kissing him lightly. "And I appreciate it."

He nodded. "Do you want to leave? Maybe go eat some dinner?"

MinHee nodded. "I'd like that." She said lightly, biting her lip.

Cora sat in her car, stopped at a red light. She had been working from the time that she'd gotten to the rehearsal room until about five minutes before on the new dance routine. Asking the boys to join proved to be a good and bad idea at the same time.

Most of the time, Cora choreographed with J-Hope, Lay and Kai while Xiumin, Jimin and Jungkook joked around with the girls. Then there were switch offs. Cora, J-Hope, Lay and Xiumin, or Cora, Jungkook, J-Hope, Kai and Lay, but Jimin was incredibly invested in joking around.

Cora was exhausted because of all the hard work, but she was excited to be going home. She looked forward to a nice shower, warm food, and a comfortable bed.

But she was really looking forward to seeing her boyfriend.

He'd been so patient with her lately, and she'd been all over the place, up and down, crazy. She needed to calm herself, and she knew he felt the same.

So she planned on not mentioning work when they talked. She planned on asking him one hundred and one questions. She planned on listening, instead of talking, and she planned on making the night special before she did something stupid.

She knew what she was doing.

She turned into the parking garage and parked as close to the doors as she could. Before getting out of her car, Cora text Mark that she was on her way up, grabbed her bag, and then started towards the doors.

She greeted the manager before getting into the elevator. When the doors closed, she pressed her floor number and waited as the elevator shot up. The doors parted in no time and she started down the hall towards her apartment.

Just as she reached for the door knob, the door opened and hands grabbed her, pulling her into the room. Mark pressed his lips against hers before she even had a chance to gasp. He pulled back and smiled. "Happy Wednesday." He said happily.

Cora laughed. "Why are you-" She gasped, cutting herself short.

Mark smiled sheepishly. "I knew you would be surprised." He said, reaching up and brushing his fingers through his platinum blonde hair. Cora had seen him with plenty of different colors. He'd started with dark, dark red. Faded red, pink, light brown, dark brown, black, even that odd gray and blue.

But blonde? Blonde was something very new.

She reached out, brushing her fingers through his hair. "Boy," She said lightly, inching closer to him. "My boyfriend is not going to like it when he finds out I let some random man into my apartment," She said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Do I really look that different?" He asked, looking towards the decorative mirror that hung on the wall.

But Cora grabbed his chin and turned him to face her, pressing her lips to his. "I don't think we've met before," She teased, kissing him again.

MinHee stood, feeling a little heavier than when she walked through the doors of the restaurant Jinwoo had brought her too. "That food was too delicious." She said lightly, following Jinwoo towards the doors of the restaurant.

He laughed. "Yeah, it's a pretty nice place. I brought Aiden here a lot before he had to lose weight for the drama."

MinHee nodded. "I haven't really talked to anyone about what we're going to do with that, now that I dont remember anything."

"I think you'd do just fine anyways." He said, smiling. "After all, you're pretty much a natural."

MinHee bit her lip. "Where to now?"

"I told you I would bring you for a walk, right?" He asked, and she nodded. "Well then, I plan on bringing you to a garden. Unless you disapprove." She shook her head, linking her arm with his. "Alright then. Let's get a move on."

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