08: Selfish Motives

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Cora sat across from Kai with her chin resting on her arms and her eyes squeezed shut. He found the situation too funny for her to handle. It was starting to get on her nerves, even though she got herself in the situation. “Please don’t hate me,” She whispered.


Kai laughed. “Okay.”




“Really,” He said, scooping up some of his Gomtang. “I mean, I’m just curious. Why did you say we were together?” He asked, eating his soup, a small smirk on his lips as he watched Cora.


She rolled her head to one side and sighed, scratching at the table. “I didn’t say we were together. I said we were seeing each other, hanging out and stuff. I never said we were together or dating. They just assume.”


“And why would they assume?”


“I dunno. I never told them we were talking to begin with, so I think they think I was trying to keep you and I talking a secret from them, but I wasn’t. It was just never something I felt the need to talk about.” She explained, her head hurting.


Kai laughed a little. “You’re in a terrible situation.” He said, stirring his soup. “But why did you say me?” Cora looked up at him, frowning. “Do you have a secret love for me, and now is your chance to pursue it? I’m flattered, Cora, really.” He said as he spooned more of his soup.


She rolled her eyes. “No, dumbass. They thought I was hanging out with Lee Jongin, and so I said I had been hanging out with Jongin. But then they would have wanted proof, and Lee Jongin is a little… weird for my taste.”


Kai laughed. “You’re a little weird for my taste, but-”


“Shut up. I just needed a cover to keep them off the me and Mark thing.”  


He was choking. Cora leapt up and moved around the table, patting his back as he covered his mouth with his napkin and coughed for a good minute or two. “What?” He asked, out of breath as he reached for his cup. “You and Mark are together?”


She sighed. “Well, we’re not in a serious relationship, so I’m not sure why I needed to hide it, but yeah, we’re kinda together.”


He was still red when he put the cup down and cleared his throat. “Okay.” He said, letting out a deep breath. “I’m sorry, that just caught me off guard.” She nodded in understanding. “Why couldn’t you tell them about Mark?”


She shrugged. “Before, when he and I broke up, I kinda hit a wall, and it almost ruined our debut, so I knew they wouldn’t be happy. And GOT7 wasn’t all too happy about me constantly dragging him away from work so… I panicked I guess?”


Kai stared down at his bowl. “Okay, so what now?”


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