16: Not Over It

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Cora opened the door to the practice space, her face somber and her eyes narrowed towards the floor. Reina turned to her, from the circle she and the girls had formed on the floor. “We’ve narrowed it down!” She said happily.


Cora nodded. “Just place the order and I’ll pay when it gets here.”


Maria looked her and, surprisingly, spoke. “You aren’t hungry?”


Cora was surprised, since Maria was still blisteringly angry at her, but she tried not to show it. “I’ll be alright.” She said, moving to sit in the far corner of the room, away from the girls. “I need to make a call. I’ll be quick.” She said, sitting down with her back towards them. She knew she was far enough away from them not to hear her, so she dialed Mark’s number.


“What’s going on?” He asked, out of breath.


“Practicing?” She asked, and he hummed. “I just need to talk to you about something later, alright? It’s, uh, really important but I don't think I can talk about it now without breaking down.”


He was still huffy. “What? What’s going on? Are you alright?”


“I’m fine, but just… please let’s talk about it later. Just remind me, in case I forget.” She said, hanging up before he could continue to quiz her on it. She then turned back to the group, who were all staring at her. “Sorry,”


“What’s going on?” Reina asked immediately.


Cora shook her head. “Nothing important.”


“No, it’s something important.” Maria said, frowning. “Tell us.”


Cora shook her head again, moving to her feet. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll handle it. I’ll figure something out.”


Yuna coughed. “I think it has something to do with us, since you went to talk to Cho Hee before coming back looking all morbid.” She crossed her legs. “We deserve to know if it has to do with us.”


Reina nodded in agreement. “It isn’t really appropriate for you to keep secrets about us.”


“Yeah.” Maria agreed.


“And after the hell you put us through,” Ji-su started. “I think we deserve to know.”


“What would MinHee think if she knew you were keeping secrets from us?” Mikki asked.


And Cora snapped. “Fine! You want to know, I’ll tell you.” She threw her arms out. “We’re done for!” She crossed her arms over her chest now. “Big Hit is done with us. We haven’t been putting in enough effort, we’ve been slacking, and none of you are taking it seriously.”

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