17: Truce?

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Practice had ended hours before, and the other girls were going through their things to clear their dorms. Reina had decided to help the girls figure out a health plan. There had been far too much junk in their dorms, processed foods, snacks that weren’t really necessary, and so on. So now, each girl was cleaning everything out and compiling it into the “OMG” pile, as they’d decided to call it. It was the comfort food they may need at any given point in time, which was only accessible through Cho Hee, who knew the drill, that it was only for emergencies.


But Cora had left it to Reina and Maria, and dragged herself to the gym. She’d been on the treadmill for a half hour when her phone buzzed. It was Mark. She ignored the call and texted him instead, telling him she was on the treadmill and she couldn’t talk on the phone.


Are you still meeting me tonight?


She bit her lip. “Crap,” She muttered, slowing the treadmill a bit. She had meant to stay at the dorm, since she’d only just fixed things with the rest of the band. But they knew that she was with Mark again. She sighed and told him that she’d be there in an hour and a half. And then she sped up the treadmill.

MinHee pulled her phone out of her pocket just as she sat on the bed of the hotel room she’d been given. It rang once, twice, and then there was shuffling on the other end.

“Hello?” Jackson asked.


“Hey,” MinHee answered. “How are things?”


He sighed. “You’re mad I didn’t come visit, aren’t you?”


“Not at all,” She said easily. She wasn’t. She knew he would come, eventually. She didn’t need him to come the second she got there. “I’m seriously just calling to see how you’re doing.”


He laughed. “I’m fine. How was filming?”


“Uneventful. We finished so quick that we literally had so much down time it was incredible.” She sighed. “Aiden’s nice though. He bought lunch, so I tried to buy dinner.”


Jackson was quiet for a minute. “Have you talked to the girls?”


“Not yet. I think they’ve been busy though.”


Jackson hummed. “I’d say. Did Cora tell you that Cho Hee threatened to put the group on hiatus?”


“What?” MinHee said, jolting straight up. “What did you just say to me?”


He sighed. “Apparently, things were slipping before you left, and Big Hit wasn’t happy with everyone’s behaviors. So Cho Hee told Cora that if you guys didn’t get your act together, it was over. Maria was talking to Youngjae about it, and I overheard.”


MinHee was silent for a moment. Why hadn’t Cho Hee told her? She was the leader, after all. “And now?”

You Got Me (GOT7)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon