04: Chance Appearances

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MinHee followed the woman towards the office they’d been directed to do the reading in. When the door opened, a group of people stood on one side of the room, a camera was in the center, and a boy stood on the other side of the room, holding a script in one hand and a cup in the other.


“Aiden, this is MinHee.” The woman said, pointing to MinHee.


Aiden was tall boy, with dark hair and dark eyes, but very pale, delicate looking skin. His eyes were puffy, and his cheeks were sunken in, giving a particularly sharp look to his chin. He stared at MinHee for a moment, clearly caught off guard, but he smiled, and MinHee found herself smiling. He had an energy about him, just a bubbly feel, and his smile was so easy going. “It’s so nice to meet you,” His voice was soft, and smooth.


MinHee took his outstretched hand and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you too, Aiden.”


“So you’ve already got the part then?” He asked, and MinHee gave a small nod. “Well, let’s hope I nail this, because I’d love to work with you.” He lifted the script, looked over it for a second, and then tossed it to the side. “Ready when you are.”


MinHee started the line that had been highlighted on the script she’d been given. Aiden smiled for a moment, before taking on the serious character he’d been casted to play. He was strong in acting, and incredibly animated when he spoke. MinHee was half caught off guard by him.


Halfway through the session, the director stopped them. “That’s it! That’s all we need to see.” He smiled. “You’re perfect.” He turned to Aiden. “Your agent will be notified that we plan to hire you, and please, both of you expect further details in the days to come.”


Aiden smiled, and turned to MinHee. “Thank you,”


“For what? You were incredible!” She said, smiling back.


“I’ve actually got to get heading. Can I walk you out?” He asked, and MinHee nodded, turning towards the door and starting towards the door. “So what made you want to act, even though you’re in the music industry?”


MinHee shrugged. “I like it.”

Aiden laughed, holding the door open for MinHee. As they walked out, a boy who had been waiting in the sitting area stood and looked towards the door. Aiden moved forward. “I’m sorry, MinHee this is my friend-”


Before Aiden could finish, MinHee took in the boy that stood before her. His hair was longer than when they’d last seen each other, and his once joyful, youthful eyes were dull, tired and worn. Stubble marred his chin and upper lip, and somehow he still managed to pull off his tired, unattempted look in his leather jacket, white v neck tee and tattered jeans. He didn’t smile, and MinHee immediately wished he would. “Jinwoo,” She breathed.


Before, whenever MinHee had said his name, it was like he’d perked up, as if he’d been waiting to hear her speak to him, but now, his eyebrows pulled down over his eyes and furrowed together. “Hello, MinHee.” He said flatly, and without given her a second glance, he turned to Aiden. “Are you ready to get home?”

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