22: Just Nerves

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Cora and Mark had gone to an early dinner before heading back to the Passion dorm. Cora had complained about the food hitting hard, making her stomach churn, but eventually it calmed.


“Are you going to stay to watch our practice?” Cora asked, unbuckling and climbing out of the car.


Mark nodded, cutting the engine and climbing out after her. “Yeah. I wanna see what you guys have been working on.” He said, walking to her side and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She leaned into him, her stomach churning. She frowned, but said nothing. He had really been worried about her when she’d complained about her stomach the first time, and she didn’t want to worry him now.


They walked into the building and into the elevator in silence. Cora was thankful that she’d worn what she could practice in, so she wouldn’t have to go to the dorm and change, and keep everyone waiting.


The elevator opened and Cora led Mark towards the practice room in silence. He walked behind her, holding her hand. She knew he was smiling, and she could feel him watching her. Her entire body was beginning to sweat. It wasn’t because he was watching her. It couldn’t have been.

She opened the door to the practice room and forced a weak smile to the others. “Hey,” She said, leading Mark in. “Mark’s here to watch us.”


Reina smiled. “Cool,” She said, starting the music. “Let’s get to it then.”


Cora nodded and moved to take her spot, at the front of them, her eyes wide and her entire body abuzz. She was shaking and her head was spinning. She felt like she’d been thrown into an overly heated room, like those strange yoga lovers did sometimes.


“Cora,” Maria hissed. “Is everything okay?” She said, stopping the music.


Cora nodded. “Yeah. Why?”


“Because you’re just standing there, staring at yourself in the mirror.” Mikki answered. “We made it to the middle of the dance without you.”


Mark was at Cora’s side in an instant. “What’s going on? Are you alright?” He asked, grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards him.


When he did so, her stomach leapt, and she could feel the vomit raising in her throat. Immediately, she covered her mouth. “Get her a trash can!” Mark hissed, and each of the girls shot around the room, looking for a wastebin for her. Maria shot towards her, holding the bin out.


Not two seconds after the bin was moved towards Cora’s face had passed before she’d emptied the contents of her stomach. She slunk to the floor, her back arching and her entire body shaking violently. Mark was right beside the whole time, patting her back and pulling her hair away from her face.


She was crying. She hadn’t even finished before she started crying. Why did it hurt so badly? Why couldn't’ she breathe? She looked to Mark, who was still brushing hair away from her face. “My throat,” She croaked.

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