58: Trying

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MinHee waited until the others were finished with their food, and were ready to head out themselves, to excuse herself. She then hurried out of the restaurant and pressed her phone to her ear, Cora's number dialing itself loudly against her ear. She hurried towards the subway, thinking as hard as she could about the address of the apartment she couldn't remember. She would meet Mark there, MinHee knew she would.

"Hello?" Cora answered.

MinHee breathed a sigh of relief. At least she didn't ignore the call. "Hey, I don't mean to intrude on your time with Mark but... I didn't really get to talk to you as much as I would have liked... could I come by?"

"I'm not actually at the apartment." Cora answered, and MinHee could hear faint music in the background. "I'm with the guys, they're filming their new video. But I'm sure JB would be happy to see you. Hop on the red, and I'll meet you at stop three."

MinHee smiled. "Alright. See you soon then," She said, hanging up the phone and looking towards the subway that was just pulling into the station. It was the red, so MinHee ran and leapt through the doors, awkwardly maneuvering herself so she could find a place to sit.

She didn't expect for there to be people watching her on the subway. There were a few girls, in school uniforms, that were watching, whispering and pointing at her. She tried to ignore it, but it was strange for her. She wondered if she was used to it before she forgot, if people being this surprised by her presence was a normal thing. A few got off at the first stop, but most of the pointers and whisperers got off at the second, leaving MinHee relatively alone before the subway stopped a third time.

She wasn't sure which side of the subway Cora was on, but she got off where the doors opened and hoped Cora wasn't on the other side. She stood around for a few minutes, staring around nervously, until Cora hurried down the stairs and looked around for MinHee, who laughed and started towards her. "Cora!" She called, and Cora's head snapped in MinHee's direction. "Hey, sorry, I just didn't want-"

"Nah, don't worry about it! Besides, you used to go to their filmings all the time. Maybe you'll remember something." Cora said, holding out her hand for MinHee, who awkwardly took it, and Cora sprinted back up the stairs, dragging MinHee with her. "The guys are pretty excited that you're coming. It's a funny set. And their outfits are ridiculous."

MinHee smiled, squeezing her friends hand in her own as Cora pulled her towards the set. She ran around the side of the building, still dragging MinHee behind her, towards a door that was being held open by Mark, whose blonde hair had blue spray on the front. He was smiling, until MinHee burst out laughing as the two came to a stop. He frowned, crossing his arms over his yellow and blue New York jersey shirt. "What are you laughing at?" He asked.

Cora rolled her eyes. "You babe, she's laughing at you," She said, gesturing to his outfit. Paired with his jersey, he wore blue shorts with yellow cuffs at the bottom, yellow and blue vertical striped socks, and yellow and blue horizontal striped shoes. "Too much blue and yellow, and stripes going every which way. And this?" She said, grabbing the sleeve of his white undershirt. It was striped with blue and orange. "Doesn't help either." She leaned towards him and pressed her lips to his cheek. "But I still love you, even if you're a fashion terrorist."

Mark rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's just get inside."

Cora and MinHee moved past him before he let the door swing shut, and the two walked into the scene of controlled chaos. Everyone was bustling around, but they were all smiling, all clearly enjoying themselves. "JB!" Cora called, but there was no answer. "Jaebum!" She called, walking further towards the set.

A figure rushed out of a room that smelled incredibly of hairspray. Black hair parted and brushed so his forehead was covered, for a moment MinHee didn't recognize him. "Minnie," He said happily, starting towards her. JB wore a black jacket with a variety of patterns and colors, a pink shirt beneath, and black shorts. On his feet he wore black socks and pink sandals. MinHee immediately laughed and JB frowned. "I haven't seen you in how many days and the first thing you do is laugh at me."

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