35: Drama

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Jinwoo tossed MinHee a pair of sweatpants and one of his tees. "I'll crash on the couch. You can stay in here." He said, walking towards the door of his room.

MinHee shook her head. "Jin, no, I can-"

"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch, MinHee. You can sleep in here with Zeus and that's the end of it." He said, opening the door and walking out into the front room, closing his door behind him.

MinHee was silent, holding the clothes against her chest. Slowly, she changed out of her own clothes and into the pair Jinwoo had loaned her. She then walked to open the door and stuck her head out. "Zeus," She called lightly, and the clumsy dog came barrelling up the stairs towards her. She opened the door wider, so he could move inside. He rubbed against her as he moved inside, and she closed the door after him, walking to Jinwoo's bed. It was large, and had pristine white sheets. She climbed onto the bed and under the blankets, motioning for Zeus to join her. The dog didn't hesitate. He leapt to her side and curled up against her. She threw her arms around him, laying her head on his neck and using him as a pillow.

She didn't bother closing her eyes, though. She knew she would never fall asleep.

Not with thoughts of Jackson running through her mind. She'd be lucky if she didn't cry.

Cora's eyes opened, and she noted that there was no light in the room. Somehow, she'd ended up with her back towards the wall beside her bed, and her chest pressed to Marks. She had been wrapped tightly in his arms, and he'd rested his cheek against the top of her head. She could hear the quiet, barely there snore. He must have been tired.

She closed her eyes and nestled against him, wrapping her arms tighter around his torso and smiling. That is, until she heard a commotion in the dorm next door. The other girls were getting ready. Ready for what, though?

The After School Club! Cora had forgotten, and here Mark was, asleep in her bed, and Cho Hee was probably about to come charging in, demanding that the two wake up and get ready.

She pried herself away from him with a lot of effort, since he seemed to fight her on it. Finally, when she was out of his arms, she leapt off the bed and ran to the door, pulling it opened and closing it quietly behind her. She raced to the front door, on a mission to keep Cho Hee from walking in and finding Mark in the dorm that early in the morning. Cora pulled the door opened just in time, as Cho Hee was just reaching to put in the passcode for the door. Cora tried her best to look exhausted and like she'd just woken up naturally, not woken up with a fear for her life. "We're up, we're up," She said fake-sleepily. "God, can't they schedule these things later in the day?"

"Where's MinHee?" Cho Hee demanded immediately.

Cora's eyes widened, acting over. "What? What do you mean where's MinHee? She isn't in her room?"

Cho Hee shook her head. "I thought maybe she'd stayed over here for something." Cora's eyebrows pulled together. "No, but have you tried contacting her or Jackson?"

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