15: Bad Blood

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The door to the car opened, and MinHee jolted up. She’d fallen asleep halfway through the trip to the set, and she was sure she looked like a lunatic, with her hair probably sticking every which way, and her face puffy from slumber.


Quickly, she tugged her hair back into a ponytail behind her head and climbed out of the car, thanking the driver, who was retrieving her luggage. He simply nodded, so she turned and started towards what looked like the set.


The producer met her right at the side of the set. “MinHee! You made it safe!” MinHee smiled and the woman put a hand on MinHee’s back, and then put a hand to her ear. “Yeah, I got her. We’re headed to her trailer as we speak.” She smiled to MinHee and started to push her along. “We’re going to go ahead and get started right away. Your makeup stylist and hair stylist are waiting, and someone will be with you soon to show you your outfit choices.”


MinHee opened her mouth to speak, but was pushed away towards a trailer, so she kept her mouth shut. The producer opened the door for her, and ushered her inside. “This is Miu and Malai,” She said, pointing to the two, thin girls standing inside of the trailer. “They’ll get you situated.” And with that, the producer disappeared.


Miu, who had jet black hair that was pulled into a severely tight ponytail, shot towards MinHee and grabbed her arm, tearing her forward and throwing her down into the stylist chair. “Sit still, and we wont have any problems.” She turned to Malai. “Get started on her hair. I’ll go find her outfit.”


Miu stormed towards the door of the trailer and slammed it shut behind her. MinHee stared wide eyed at the door in the mirror that sat before her. Malai cleared her throat. “Don’t worry about her,” She said in a quiet, timid voice. “She’s just… a little uptight sometimes.”


MinHee looked up at Malai and smiled. “It’s okay. You can speak Thai,” She said. She’d guessed by her name that she was Thai, but the look of relief in her eyes only clarified it. “So you’re a hairstylist?”


Malai nodded and grabbed a brush from the vanity in front of MinHee, pulling the elastic from MinHee’s hair and pulling the brush through it. “Yes. I have been for about a year now. It’s an honor to be working with you, Ms. Im.”


MinHee frowned. “Please, everyone calls me Minnie. And it’s not like I’m that big of a deal.”


Malai was quiet for a moment before muttering, “You are to me,” And then continuing to brush MinHee’s hair.


Miu returned not long after, carrying with her a dress with a bunch of asymmetrical designs on it. “This is what she’ll be wearing. Do her hair accordingly.” She hissed, and Malai nodded her head, hurriedly tugging and pulling MinHee’s hair into place.


Miu knelt before MinHee and began smearing cover up on her face. “What they want with an ugly girl like you, I’ll never know-”


MinHee pushed Miu’s hand away. “I’d appreciate it if you left my trailer.” She said flatly. Miu glared at her. “I don’t need your negative attitude in here, and I don’t need to work with you if you’re going to criticize me. You’re here to put my makeup on, not tell me how terrible looking I am. I don’t need your help, so please, leave.”

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