26: Motionless

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MinHee lay face down in her pillows, entirely unmoving and feeling as though her eyes were swollen shut. She didn’t move when Malai had followed her in and placed Jackson’s discarded bracelet beside her, telling her that she knew it was important to her, and that she thought she might want it back. She didn’t move when the producer came in to ask her if she planned on joining them the following day for filming, and she didn’t move when her phone rang incessantly beside her.


She did, however, move when the one voice she really didn’t want to hear called her name.


“You need to stop crying. You’ll make yourself sick, and then they’ll have to stop production.” She turned her head to find Jinwoo standing beside her. He gave an easy smile, as if he’d done nothing wrong, and reached out the brush her hair behind her ear. “I know, I shouldn’t have said a word to him, because it would have caused a problem, and I’m sorry, but MinHee, if he was going to blow up like that, you don’t need him around.”


She sighed. “Jinwoo, I really don’t feel like talking to you about this.”


He shrugged his shoulders. “What if I’m the only one who will listen?”


“I still wouldn’t want to talk to you.” She said, sitting up.


“Even if I brought you food?”


“Not hungry.” She said, shaking her head. “I think I’d just like to sleep.”


Jinwoo sat on her bed and frowned. “MinHee, please don’t wallow in it. He’ll be back. If he doesn’t call you tonight, he definitely will tomorrow morning.” She shrugged. “Tell you what. Tomorrow, I’ll bring you to that cafe again, and we’ll get breakfast and pretend that everything is okay. Just for the morning, and then you can cry all you want.”


MinHee frowned. “Why would I want to get breakfast with you?”


He grinned. “Because I’m a genuinely intriguing person.” She frowned. “And I know you want things to be like they were before. You can’t lie to me, Minnie. You never could.” He stood. “I’ll come find you in the morning, alright? Please don’t be a sobbing mess tomorrow, okay? I don’t think I’ll know what to do if I find you and you’re still upset.”


MinHee watched as he went, not bothering to stop him. She didn’t want to speak to him otherwise anyways, so there was no point in her moving to do anything about him leaving. She didn’t hate him for what had happened. She didn’t hate that she and Jackson had another fight because of him, she was over it.


She just wanted to stop feeling. The emotions were driving her insane. She just wanted to be neutral. She just wanted to stop being so upset.

Cora and Maria sat on the couch of their shared dorm, the lights were off, a bowl of popcorn sat between them, and the newest horror flick ‘The Death Dreamer’ was playing. Already, Cora had jumped twice, Maria had squeaked once because she’d gotten up to refill the popcorn and had her back turned when the demon screamed, and both had shouted at the characters, as if they could hear them, multiple times.

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