77: Changing

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Cora was panting and out of breath. She and the Bangtan boys had been practicing for hours now, and she knew that it would be hard for Maria to know that she'd thrown the competition. She was excited to see how it would turn out, to see what Maria brought to the table for the competition.

"Okay," She said, sitting on the ground. Miso, who had been in a dead sleep across the room, darted to her lap and attempted to climb up her chest. Cora smiled and held him in her hands. "I think we're good for today."

Suga squatted beside her, patting Miso's head. "It's been a pretty long practice."

Cora smiled and nodded. "I'm going to head back to the old apartment. You're all welcome to come, if you'd like. I'm sure I can throw something together for you to eat."

Rap Monster shook his head. "Not today. We're supposed to be at some sort of broadcast in the morning. Another time?" Cora nodded her head and he smiled. "Good. You and Miso be safe driving." He said, reaching for his jacket and bag. Suga followed his lead.

"I'm sure you're leaving so soon to see daddy," Jungkook joked, patting the dog's head and then Cora's.

Cora's face pulled into a scowl. "You're my least favorite human being." She looked down at the dog, who was now whining. "His too," She said smirking. Jungkook rolled his eyes but smiled as he started towards the door.

Jin rolled his eyes. "He's killing me with the jokes lately." He said, smiling at Cora. "See you soon." V wrapped his arms around Cora, giving her a quick hug before hurrying out after Jungkook.

J-Hope and Jimin remained after the others left. "We're working on where to trip up, if we can." J-Hope stated and Cora nodded.

"But you've got to stop worrying," Jimin said, dropping a hand on Cora's shoulder. "You're freaking out over absolutely nothing. Chill."

Cora smiled and laughed. "You're right. I'm just exhausted, I'll be fine." She reached for her bag and slung it over her shoulder, standing with Miso in her arms. "I'll walk you out." The boys nodded and started for the door, Cora and Miso in tow. The two continued to elaborate on the dance, but Cora couldn't be bothered. She said her goodbyes and then hurried to her car. After packing Miso into a bundle of blankets on a dog bed that lay on the floor, she turned on her car and shot out of the parking structure.

Something really was off lately. She just didn't feel right. She had a sneaking suspicion she knew what it was, but the idea of something being wrong in general made her uncomfortable. After driving most of the way home, she realized she wasn't even paying attention to the road. Annoyed with herself, she forced herself from her thoughts and found a parking spot outside of the building. For a moment, she sat in her car and simply gripped the wheel, staring at the dashboard. She wasn't sick, she wasn't hurt, she'd eaten, she'd been drinking plenty of water, she was in a wonderful relationship, she had a brand new puppy, so why was she feeling so... gross?

Annoyed with herself, Cora climbed out of the car and moved around the passenger's side to grab Miso. She gathered up her bags and Miso's things before hurrying towards the building.

As she moved through the front doors, she noted how many people were crowding around the front desk and the stern voice that the building manager was using. She figured it was about the water being shut off or probable building construction and ignored it, moving straight to the elevator and pressing the call button. The doors opened and she moved inside, shifting Miso under her arm and sliding her phone from her back pocket to text Mark.

The doors opened to her floor and she shuffled out, finishing the text telling Mark that she was home and in dire need of a shower before closing her phone and digging out her keys. As she moved to push the keys into the lock, she noticed the yellow slip peeking just out from the bottom of her door. She unlocked the door, set Miso inside, and stooped to pick it up.

You Got Me (GOT7)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora