Part 78: Time

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MinHee and Jackson sat on the ground of the living room, MinHee staring at her hands and Jackson staring at the floor. Mark was still calming Cora, who had resigned to curling in a ball and staring at the wall across from her. MinHee knew that as much as this affected her, it was going to affect the others much more. This had been their place, where they went not only to live, but to dance, to practice, to ready themselves for their futures before being signed to Big Hit. This apartment was as much a part of Passion as each of the members were. And what would the youth center do without the spare space?

With a sigh, MinHee moved to her feet. "Come on," She said, walking towards the door of the apartment. Cora's things were still scattered there, and MinHee assumed this was where she'd found the slip and had her fit.

Jackson looked up and watched her as she grabbed Cora's keys from the door and slid her feet into her shoes. "Where are you going?"

"We are going to the store. You said that you needed to earlier, and I need a few things for the apartment." She said, tugging on one of the jackets that was hanging beside the door. It wasn't cold out, but she couldn't stop shivering. "Besides, I don't really want to be here at the moment, and I think Cora and Mark need some time."

Jackson looked to Cora's door for a moment before moving to his feet and walking to the door. "Take the car Mark drove, I'll have to return it to the managers before the night's over." He said, tossing keys to her.

Mark had managed to get Cora to take a shower, since she was still wearing the practice clothes he'd seen her leave in. While she did so, he fed Miso and took him for a walk before making dinner for the two of them. While he made dinner, he kept an ear out for the water to stop, but for a long while it didn't.

Having finished dinner, he moved towards the bathroom, lightly knocking on the door before moving inside. "Cora," He called.

"Yes?" Her voice croaked from the shower, broken and tired. At least she was talking. Up until this point, she'd mostly communicated through nods and shakes of her head.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "I made dinner. I don't know if you're ready to get out yet, but I can bring the blankets out to the living room and we can watch a movie while we eat."

She didn't answer for a moment. "I'll be out in a minute." She murmured. Mark nodded to himself and moved out of the bathroom and to the bedroom. He stripped the bed of blankets and pillows and, as he turned, Cora shuffled into the room in an oversized white towel. Mascara streaked her cheeks, the residue of what hadn't come off after crying and a shower. He offered her a smile and pecked her cheek before moving out of the room and closing the door behind him, awkwardly balancing the pillows and blankets while doing so.

He was quick setting up the blankets and pillow and turning on the television before moving back to the kitchen to grab the bowls of bibimbap he'd prepared. It wasn't too hard to make dishes in the apartment since Cora had so many things lying around at the ready.

As he moved back into the living room, he noted that Cora's towel hat was noticeable over the couch. She was slumped on the arm of the couch. She looked resigned and tired. Carefully, he placed her bowl in front of her on the coffee table and sat down.

"What am I going to do?" She whispered. "What are we going to do?"

Mark sat down and immediately pulled her to him. "We'll figure it out."

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