71: The Right Thing

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Cora stood outside of her room, her hand on the knob, unsure if she should go in. Sure, it was her room, but she wasn't sure if she should go in and lay right down, or if she should talk to MinHee and figure out what had happened and why. She was scared that she was going to walk in and MinHee was going to be angry about Jackson, or even Cora, thinking that she'd jump right back into his arms. She was also afraid that she would walk in and MinHee would be cold and reserved, just wanting to go to bed. She was more afraid, however, that she remembered how angry Cora was, how angry everyone one, with her when she lost her memory.

Taking a deep breath and swallowing her fear, Cora opened the door and moved into the room.

What she hadn't expect was MinHee to be sitting on her bed, pillow covering her face, crying. "I just really need to talk," She muttered as Cora closed the door.

There had been many nights spent like this before. Cora often in MinHee's position or taking care of MinHee who was on the verge of a breakdown. She was familiar with this. She just hadn't expected it to happen so soon after she remembered her life. Numbly, Cora moved across the room to her side, sitting beside her and wrapping her arm around her. MinHee laid her head on Cora's chest and dropped her hands onto her lap, sighing and hiccuping. "What's the matter?" Cora asked.

"Everything!" MinHee answered easily. "I feel like all the pain and emotion I was feeling when I ran out of the set the day of the accident just crashed down on me. I... I still... Jackson means the world to me," She said slowly, and Cora's heart plummeted. She still loved Jackson. She still wanted Jackson. What was so hard then? He was still in love with her! She just had to say the word and he was hers again. But that might not have been what she wanted. "But I still feel the pain of the break up. I know it was months ago, but for me... it was yesterday." She said, shaking her head. "And dating Jinwoo? That seems like it was a dream that I woke up from that left a weird taste in my mouth." She reached up and wiped her eyes. "And then work, and all the drama from that, is just crashing down on me and I can't Cora, I just can't."

Cora nodded, patting her friends back and brushing the hair from her face. "I know MinHee. But we're going to take this one step at a time. We don't have to rush okay? Everyone will understand." She said, nodding her head again. "I think it might be best if you just took time to sort out the things that really can't wait, like work and the drama. Maybe take some time to yourself romantically?"

"Are you saying I should break up with Jinwoo?" She asked shakily.

Cora shrugged. "I'm not saying you shouldn't, but I do think that you need time to be single. I don't think you should break up if you don't feel the need, but taking into mind what has happened recently, and what has happened in the past-"

"I agree," MinHee said, nodding her head. "But I don't want to just push him off. I almost feel like he deserves a chance." She groaned. "But so does Jackson and I can't handle all of that right now."

"So then tell them both that. Meet Jinwoo for lunch and tell him you need to be by yourself. Actually by yourself and not just a small break. And then meet Jackson for dinner and tell him you have strong feelings for him, but you need time to be you again, the old you. I think they'll both understand."

MinHee sighed. "Why do I always hurt everyone."

Cora shook her head. "We all hurt ourselves, MinHee. No one lives life without a little bit of pain. You really can't always blame yourself.

MinHee curled into her and sighed. "I guess you're right."

Mark parked Cora's car in the lot across from the dorm building and turned to Jackson before he could unbuckle. "You have to give her time."

Jackson scowled. "I know!" He hissed. "But I've had time and.... And now I'm trying to move on and it's today that she remembers me and everything we've been through." He said, shaking his head and looking away from Mark.

Mark had seen him like this before. It wasn't necessarily like this, but he knew what came next. "Jackson, don't cry just... think about it as a second chance."

"How is it a second chance?" He asked, shooting a glare in Mark's direction.

Mark shrugged. "Because now she remembers Jinwoo and everything that happened. He's in the same amount of hot water. And besides, now she remembers that you guys were serious and that you weren't just some stranger. Now, at least, you have a chance."

"What if I don't want one?" He demanded. "What if I wish she forgot me all together, that I tried to get her to remember that we dated everything? What if I wanted to be a stranger again?"

Mark rolled his eyes. "We both know that's a lie." Another glare. "Just hear me out. Keep doing what you're doing, go on dates, see other people, but know she's going to come back to you. She loves you Jackson. We all know it's true." He took the keys out of the ignition and climbed out of the car before Jackson could respond.

Reina and Yuna had just gotten ready for bed when Yuna sat on the end of Reina's bed. "What is it?" Reina asked, laying back in her pillows and scrolling through her phone to set an alarm.

Yuna sighed. "I'm sick of you sleep talking and asking JB for his forgiveness. MinHee remembers now, so you guys can get back together." She said plainly.

Reina shook her head. "It doesn't work like that. We're not getting back together until he figures out how to be himself and not his sister's unwanted dictator."

Yuna glared at her. "I'm sick of this. If you don't get back with him soon, I'm asking Mikki to trade roommates with me. Snoring is better than 'Jaebum, please' all night long. It's always the same. 'I'm sorry, I-i love you' and then you start whimpering and then I can't sleep, which means I can't perform, which means we're doing terrible which means more time before we debut. So, if you and JB are the direct link to whether or not we debut again, you should fix it and get back together."

Reina frowned. "No Yuna. It's not that easy. We're done. We're done until he changes his priorities. He can't keep pushing himself into where he isn't wanted and leaving behind the places he is wanted. I'm not going to just pretend it isn't happening. I'm trying to fix things."

Yuna sighed and stood. "Fine, but it better be quick or I'm getting you a human muzzle." She said, sliding into her own bed and flicking off the lamp beside her bed.

Reina did the same and laid with her back to her roommate, thoughts swirling in her head. They hadn't been separated that long. Was she really being affected that badly? She didn't think it had gotten that serious. Sure, she'd felt alone and she longed for the day when they could hold each other again, but she knew that what she was doing was the best thing she could do. They had to figure things out, and they had to do it on their own. There was no way things were going to get better when they kept making them worse for themselves. She knew deep down that she was doing the right thing.

Or was she just wrong all together?

MinHee woke up the following morning with one thing in mind. She texted Jinwoo and asked him to meet her at a breakfast place not to far from where her apartment was. She needed to tell him. She needed to let him know that she remembered, everything past up until present, and she needed to tell him that she needed time to think, to reclaim everything she had lost, to be her.

She needed time alone, without him.

She needed to break up with him. All together. 

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