72: Break Up

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The following morning, all of Passion piled into Cora and Maria's room for breakfast. Everyone pitched in a little, making as much food as they could with what they had to celebrate MinHee's first day back in Passion. While everyone was cooking, Cora excused herself and moved into the bathroom, locking the door behind her and sitting in the corner of the room farthest away from the door. She dialed Mark's number and held her phone to her ear.

"Morning," He said easily. "Why are you calling so early?" Cora could hear his bed shifting beneath him. It was still pretty early. Six o'clock was just before they were required to get up for work. He was probably just laying in bed going through his texts and emails.

Cora sighed. "I might have talked to MinHee last night and she may have told me a lot of important stuff." She said chewing on her lip.

Mark sighed. "What is it?"

She couldn't help it, she poured everything out. "She said Jackson still means the world to her, but she still feels the pain of him breaking up with her, and then she said that Jinwoo is an accident, more or less, and that even though Jinwoo deserves a chance so does Jackson."

Mark was silent for a moment. "So," She could hear his bed creak and new he was sitting up now. "You're saying there's... a chance he can... he-"

"Being Jackson, get back with MinHee?" She breathed slowly. "That's exactly what I'm saying."

"Well shit," He muttered.

Cora sighed. "I'm sorry I know that's a lot but... but I had to tell someone and I didn't want to tell the others because they would pressure her to go back like right now. I know you'll just be supportive."

"I can try but... I think Jackson needs this a lot more than we realize." He said, and she could hear him moving around. "He's been in a funk lately and it just seemed to get worse last night after we left. But I might have also told Jackson to forget about it, to keep dating around and move on."

Cora's eyes widened. "Why-"

"Because she did too. Maybe she didn't remember him, but it's not an excuse entirely. They broke up for a reason. He needed to move on. If he ends up back with her, that's absolutely okay. But for now I think he needs to focus on him. I wasn't wrong in saying what I did."

Cora frowned. He was right, but still Cora was on the JinHee side. "I have to go," She said with a sigh. "Breakfast is going to be ready and-"

"Cora. Listen to me before you get sulky or angry. You have to let them do this on their own. If they want to be together, it's great. But you can't force it, okay?" Cora pouted, even though he couldn't see it. "I love you and I'll talk to you later. Promise you won't do-"

"I won't! I won't." She said, shaking her head. "Love you, get some rest."

MinHee watched as the others bustled around her, making breakfast as quickly as they could. "Uhm," She started though she was sure she already knew the answer. "Is this all for me?"

"Yep!" Reina called, smiling over her shoulder. "We wanted to show you how happy we are that you're back with the band! So we thought we'd make a huge breakfast."

She was supposed to meet Jinwoo in a half hour. For breakfast. Which they were making. For her. She couldn't leave them with all this food. Quickly, she shuffled her phone out of her pocket and texted him asking him to meet her in the same place at noon instead because of the band's breakfast. She felt a little bad about it, but she knew she needed this time to bond with the girls. Especially since she hadn't remembered half of them before last night.

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