60: Understand

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MinHee stared at Jackson, wide eyed and unsure. He stared back at her, unmoving and expression stone-like. What was she supposed to say to him? She didn't remember loving him. She hardly even remembered him as it was. She remembered fragments of them together, or just of him really, and that was all. MinHee had no clue that they had slept together, or that she had told him that she loved him, how could she possibly feel the same about him in that moment?

She took a step back. "Jackson, I-"

He shook his head, his blonde hair skimming his forehead. In the picture, his hair had been a darker brown. A much darker brown. It was handsome, flattering on him, but his blonde hair was just as handsome. How could she not have feelings for Jackson? He was handsome as hell, he was kind and caring, protective of her, and her brother approved. Not that JB's opinion really mattered, but it had some pull. "You don't." He whispered. "I know it."

"Jackson I'm sorry I... I just don't... things are different-"

"Yeah I get it." He said, reaching past her and opening the door. "It was nice talking to you MinHee. Have a nice day."

MinHee stared at him in surprise. Was he dismissing her? That didn't seem right. "Jackson-"

"Please," He said, frowning. The look on his face alone caused a slight pang in MinHee's chest. It was a heartbreaking frown. She had a feeling she was the only person who'd seen him this distraught. Even when she told him she didn't love him, he still showed a side of him that no one else had seen. "I just want to be alone for now, okay? I'll see you later." He said, turning his back.

MinHee didn't realize she was moving until she closed the door behind her and moved towards the front door of the apartment. The other boys were sitting around in the living room, all staring at MinHee. "I need to be getting home. Jinwoo's looking for me," She said easily, smiling and waving. "See you guys later!" She turned and hurried out of the door, hoping they didn't realize that she was acting.

She sprinted down the steps and out of the building, stopping in the lobby just long enough to ask Jinwoo to pick her up. She then walked out onto the steps of the building and sat, dropping her head between her knees and throwing her arms around her legs. What the hell was she thinking! Talking with Jackson hadn't made anything better, it had made things worse!

Her legs throbbed, and she silently cursed herself for running down however many flights of stairs when she could have just taken the elevator. She still wasn't quite as in shape as she'd like to be since the accident, and this just seemed to point that in her face. She wasn't in shape mentally or physically.

How could one forget something so crucial? She had entirely wiped from her mind that she was absolutely and completely in love with that boy. She wouldn't have done the things that she did with him otherwise, she had to have loved him. She hadn't been lying.

So why didn't she feel the same way now?

Jinwoo's car screeched to a stop in front of her and he leapt out of the drivers seat. "What are you doing here?" He demanded. "What did that prick do to you?"

MinHee stood, dusting herself off, and shook her head. "Nothing. He did nothing Jinwoo I'm fine." She said with a sigh as she started down the steps towards him. "If you recall, my brother lives there as well."

Jinwoo stared at her, shaking his head slightly. "No, something happened. You look like you're going to cry."

"What if I am?" MinHee asked quietly, climbing into the car. "What is there for you to do about it?"

Jinwoo gaped at her in disbelief. "What? What's that supposed to mean? What is there for me to do, aside from kick his ass for hurting you. I'm your boyfriend after all, that's what-"

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