34: Old Times

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Jinwoo had to stop the car on the side of the road to comfort MinHee. They weren't even near his apartment when he stopped the car, turned it off, and reached across the seat to wrap his arms around MinHee. She was shaking so hard that the entire car was rocking, and her tears were flowing fast enough for Jinwoo to worry that she was going to become severely dehydrated.

She clutched onto him, much to his own surprise, and continued to sob. She had yet to tell him what had happened, but he didn't seem to mind. He just continued to hold and calm her, patting her back, brushing her hair away from her face, wiping her tears, and telling her she was going to be okay.

"It's not going to be okay!" MinHee shouted. "I don't understand! I don't get it!" She cried, shaking her head and rubbing the tears away from her face. Jinwoo moved to reach towards her again, but MinHee pulled back, shaking her head. "I'm sorry just... can we please get to the apartment? Please?"

Jinwoo stared at her, for a long few minutes, before nodding his head. "Are you hungry?"

As he asked, MinHee's stomach growled. She hadn't even taken a bite of the food Jackson had bought for her, everything had gone sour too fast. She was starving. "I think I'll be alright." Even if she was hungry, her stomach was in no position to take in food. She was too upset.

Jinwoo turned the engine back on and pulled back onto the road. He was quiet as he drove. He'd turned the heat on, since MinHee was shaking violently, but she wasn't cold and the heat was comforting. He parked the car in front of a noodle shop and hopped out of the car, leaving it on and MinHee inside.

She watched as he hurried into the store, covering his head from the rain, which had started about halfway to Jinwoo's apartment. MinHee found it fitting. She was crying incredibly hard, and so was the rest of the world, apparently.

Jinwoo ran back out of the shop with plastic bags in his hands. He placed a few on top of the car and opened the door. "Will you hold these?" He asked, poking his head inside and handing the bags to MinHee. She nodded, placing the first load on the car floor and the next on her lap. "I was getting the guys food anyways, but I sent a text to the owner and he threw in a few more things for us." He said happily, starting the car and pulling out of the spot he'd parked in.

"I told you I wasn't hungry," She said flatly. It wasn't in an angry, disagreeing way. It was weak, and dismissive.

Jinwoo smiled. "I know. But just in case, I'm going to keep that food around." He said, pulling into a parking space. MinHee stared at the building he'd parked beside. It was not the same tiny building Blaze had originally had their apartments inside of. "We moved," He said, before she could even ask. "I thought Nick would have told you and Cora, but we moved when he and I opened our gym. So now it's a bigger flat, which I share with Nick, Min, and Aiden."

MinHee climbed out of the car, collecting the bags, and stared at the incredibly beautiful glass building. It was enormous and had at least thirty or more floors. Jinwoo walked around the car, taking the bags from MinHee, and started towards the building, gesturing for her to follow behind him.

They entered the building, and a luggage boy shot towards them. "Would you like me to carry your bags, Mr. Han?"

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