67: Work Bound

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Cora and MinHee walked down the corridor towards Passion's individual dorms. "So," Cora started. "Are we going to tell the girls that you're coming back?"

MinHee shook her head. "Not until I get the physical and the okay. And not until I know for a fact that I'm not going to be physically restricted even with the okay from the company. I also plan on getting back onto the set for the drama."

Cora nodded. "Sounds busy." MinHee hummed in agreement. "I'm still just happy you're around again. I'm so excited to have you back Minnie." MinHee smiled at her friend as she turned to unlock her door. "Are you going to stay over tonight?"

MinHee shook her head. "No, I'm going to need to go back. Especially if I get the physical tomorrow, I'm going to have to head in early."

"So I'll drop you off home in about an hour? Just so the girls get the chance to see you." Cora said, feeling mildly like a parent in the middle of a strange divorce, or maybe Cora was the stay at home parent and MinHee was the travel the world and live your dreams parent, while the rest of Passion was the children who desperately just wanted both parents. It felt strange to have to budget time with her best friend, to have to come up with a schedule. It was never this complicated before. It almost broke her heart.

MinHee smiled and nodded. "Sounds alright to me." The two stopped inside of the door, sliding off their shoes, and then continuing into the living room. Maria sat on the floor with her legs crossed and cards fanned in front of her face. Reina sat on the couch with her cards in one hand dangling between her legs and her head propped on her hand. Yuna was walking back towards the group with a soda in her hand. "Hey ladies!" She said happily.

The three smiled widely. "Hey!"

"Where's Ji-su and Mikki?" MinHee asked, sitting across from Reina.

"Retraining." Cora answered, walking into the kitchen. A sort of ease settled into her stomach. Everything was going the right way, everything seemed right. The crew was back together, if only in theory, and MinHee was getting back on track. She and Mark were closer than ever before. Everything was good. Everything was working. She almost felt weary, as if things were only inches from falling apart again, but decided to swallow her fear and enjoy the moment. While it lasted.

MinHee sat in the small doctors office waiting for her doctor to come back with the documents she needed to be okayed with Big Hit to continue her work. Her heart was racing. Already, the physical showed no signs of needing to stay on hiatus, and she knew that the company couldn't say no if she was physically fit to do so. She had a conference with the company following the appointment, and a meeting with the directors after that. She couldn't hold in her excitement. She was ready to start working. She didn't remember what it was like, but she was excited to find out.

And who knew, maybe getting back to work to jog her memories.

The door opened and one of the nurses walked in. She smiled and handed MinHee a folder. "The doctor asked me to deliver this to you and show you the way to the door. I'm so happy you're feeling better, Ms. Im."

Relief flooded MinHee and she stood, smiling. "Thank you." She said, following behind the nurse towards the door of the room. She hurried down the halls of the hospital's check up area towards the door. Her parents were waiting in their car outside. Since Jinwoo was being so sketchy about her starting work again, she'd asked her parents to bring her to the doctors. They had lunch before they'd gone and were now headed home, to MinHee's apartment, where Cora would pick her up so she could show Cho Hee the papers saying she was okayed to continue working and, hopefully, see the directors with time to spare.

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