09: So This Is Love...

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MinHee groggily woke up to Jackson’s phone blaring ‘Stand Up’, and she sleepily smiled. His arms were around her waist, but he was awake and was reaching for his phone, which was on the nightstand behind MinHee.


He turned off the alarm and then kissed her forehead. “I gotta go,” He said lightly, sitting up and reaching for his hat, which was on the bedknob. “Do you want to come to the house with me, or are you alright to stay here and sleep some more?”


She was yawning when he asked, and awkwardly spoke around the yawn, telling him she’d go with him, so she sat up and slid out of the bed. But the moment her feet hit the ground, she felt like she was swaying, and her throat felt tight. She tried to grab at the nightstand for support, but she fell to her knees, and she could feel the bile climbing in her throat.


“Minnie?” Jackson asked, skillfully sliding off the bed and to her side. His hands grasped both of her arms, and he tried to pull her up, but she pulled away and reached for the waste bin that was kept under the drawer of the nightstand.


Her entire body heaved as she emptied the contents of her stomach. Jackson was silent as he knelt beside her and rubbed her back. She cried when she was finished, because the pain had spread from her stomach.


Jet lag would be the death of her.


“Maybe we should just stay here tonight,” Jackson offered, pushing MinHee’s hair behind her ear. “I’ll call my parents.”


MinHee shook her head. “Please don’t stay. I’m all gross, and smelly.” She sighed. “And I want you to be with your family. We came here to see them, not to hole up in this hotel.”


Jackson shook his head. “They’ll understand. Minnie please, let me take care of you.”

Cora collapsed onto the cold hardwood floor of the practice room in the old apartment. Her fingers knotted in the front of her crop top, and she sucked in a sharp breath. She’d pushed it, she’d really pushed it. What the hell had she been thinking? God, Mark had to hate her.


And she wouldn’t blame him really.


Her phone buzzed and started singing ‘Machine’. She really didn’t want to talk to Kai, but she owed him as much, after what she’d said. She rolled onto her side and reached for her phone. “Hello?” She asked, entirely out of breath.


“I take it you're with Mark.” He snickered.


Cora rolled her eyes and moved to sit. “You’re a pervert. And no, I’m not. He left right after he came over because I was being selfish.”



“Trying to keep us a secret still.” She answered with a sigh. “Honestly, he’s right but… I just don’t feel right about it. Like I feel like if I out our relationship, it would be a disaster.”

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